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Customization of dashboards involves adding widgets that will convey the desired data to users and decision makers. Widgets for charts, graphs, maps, and tables are among the wide variety of options. Brief descriptions of widgets available in EQuIS Enterprise are provided below. Detailed discussion of each widget are provided as individual topics and can be directly accessed via the links. The Widget Overview chapter contains information on how to access and edit the widgets.
For module-specific widgets and dashboards not documented here, see the articles for Collect Enterprise, Geotech Widgets, Live Widgets, and SPM Enterprise.
Boring Log Widget – View Boring Log report output (PDF file type).
Filter-Date Range Widget – Allows the selection of a parameter value and filters the report output of reporting widgets (e.g., EZView, Traffic Light, Time Series Chart, Map, Data Grid) on the dashboard. The Filter-Date Range widget filters on a specific year or on a specified date range.
Filter-List Widget – Allows the selection of a parameter value and filters the report output of reporting widgets (e.g., EZView, Traffic Light, Time Series Chart, Map, Data Grid) on the dashboard. The Filter-List widget filters on action level, analyte, analyte group, analytic method, facility, fraction, matrix, location, and task code.
Filter-Map Widget – Allows the user to select locations and filter the report output for reporting widgets (e.g., EZView, Traffic Light, Traffic Light Map, Time Series Chart, Map, Boring Log, and Data Grid) on the dashboard.
Dashboard Navigator Widget – Provides users with an easy and intuitive way to navigate to their dashboards. The widget can be used to navigate between dashboards by clicking added buttons.
Data Grid Widget – Displays the output of a grid report in a sortable, filterable grid that supports paging. This widget is useful for reviewing data without downloading the full report output. This widget also supports filtering using filter widgets.
Document and Photo Browser Widget – Browse and view the metadata associated with files uploaded to Enterprise. The widget has three main sections: (1) Breadcrumbs Navigation Section, (2) Details Section, and (3) Thumbnails Section. Use the breadcrumbs navigation section to browse to different folders in Enterprise. The widget will then show all the files in this folder. The details section displays the currently selected file's metadata and if the file is an image preview. The thumbnails section shows all the files in the currently selected folder and the ability to select them.
Drilldown Widget – Displays the output of a grid report as a pie chart, bar chart (horizontal bars) or column chart (vertical columns).
EDP EDD Status and Upload Widgets – Upload and view the status of EDDs that have been submitted and processed by Enterprise EDP.
EIA Widget – Displays a list of the currently configured EQuIS information agents.
EnviroInsite Report Viewer Widget – Displays SVG output of EnviroInsite reports.
EQuIS Live Widgets – A variety of widgets that display and/or chart data logger time series data, real time or historical.
Explorer Widget – Used for browsing, searching, and organizing items. Create folders, which can then be used to group items.
EZView Widget – Queries and downloads EQuIS reports and creates EIAs to automatically send reports. A primary purpose of the widget is to run the selected report and then export the report output to third party programs, such as Excel (.xls) workbooks, ArcGIS shapefiles (.shp), tab delimited (.txt) files, and Google Earth (.kmz) files.
HTML Widget – Displays Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) snippets. HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. Therefore, text, photos, and videos can be added to an HTML widget. Other uses of the widget include adding hyperlinks to other resources or a closed-circuit television feed of your facility. The HTML widget displays the content as it has been configured in the widget properties.
Image Viewer Widget – Displays a variety of image file types (PNG, JPG/JPEG, GIF, and SVG). Drastically reduces setup time compared to displaying images in the HTML widget.
License Manager Widget – Displays all licenses assigned to an EQuIS database. Allows administrators to apply licenses.
Map Widget – Works with Esri's ArcGIS JavaScript API to display data visually. Use the Map widget to:
•Display multi-layered map with facility locations;
•Interact directly with features on the map, such as clicking on the map to view additional information;
•Interact with other reporting widgets;
•Display report output on the map; and
•Display georeferenced documents and photographs on the map.
Module Manager Widget – Administrators use this widget to add, modify, and/or remove widgets and system dashboards.
Notices Widget – Displays a list of notices pertaining to a user (e.g., EDD status notices, EIA notices, etc.). The notices contain the notice subject, notice date and if applicable, the facility related to the notice.
PDF Viewer Widget – View and scroll through entire Portable Document Format (PDF) documents.
Piper Diagram Widget – Displays user reports based on the EnviroInsite Piper Diagram report, which is included in the EnviroInsite Report module.
RDL Report Viewer Widget – Report Definition Language (RDL) is an XML representation of an SQL Server Reporting Services report definition, which contains data retrieval and layout information for a report. This widget interacts with RDL reports and contains Microsoft's WebForms ReportViewer control.
Role Manager Widget – Administrators use this widget to view, modify or create application roles.
Scatter Plot Widget – Displays report output on a Scatter Plot.
Time Series Chart Widget – Displays report output on a Time Series Chart. The widget can display data from one or more reports and supports automatically grouping data by series, such as parameters or locations.
Traffic Light Widget – Displays good/bad summary data from a report. This widget shows report data as four states: Alert (red), Warning (yellow), OK (green), and Unknown (blue). This widget is normally used for analyte exceedances, but can be used for any other type of data by configuring the conditions for each of the breaks.
Traffic Light Map Widget – Displays good/bad summary data from a report, such as action levels by location, on a map. The properties for this widget are similar to those in the Traffic Light widget.
User Manager Widget – This widget is only available to administrators to view, modify, or create users.
Vertical Profile Chart Widget – Displays analytical result data with respect to depth for a given location and time. Data can come from the Basic Results and Downhole Point reports, among others.
Web Forms Widget – Provides for manual data entry using an EQuIS Collect data form. All data mappings, formulas, calculations, and pre-population data used in a Collect data form are available in the widget. Data are submitted to EQuIS via Enterprise EDP.
Workflow Widget – Administrators may use this widget to view workflow status and configure workflow agents.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 10 Sep 2023