EQuIS Geotech Enterprise Configuration

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EQuIS Geotech Enterprise Configuration

EQuIS Enterprise must be configured for EQuIS Geotech to use the standard out-of-the-box Enterprise dashboards that mirror typical geotechnical workflows.


Note: Ensure that the same build of Enterprise, Collect, and EnviroInsite are installed prior to performing the EQuIS Geotech Enterprise configuration steps.


This article covers:

Add Report File to Bin Folder

Collect Template Configuration

User Report Configuration

Dashboard Configuration



Add Report File to Bin Folder


Standard EQuIS Geotech sample reports are contained within the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.176839.dll file. Standard EQuIS Geotech field reports are contained within the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d26526.dll file. Since the176839.dll file is a referenced assembly for the d26526.dll file, the 176839.dll file must be present in the Enterprise \bin folder for the field reports to run properly.

Place the 176839.dll file in the \bin folder for Enterprise.



Collect Template Configuration


Ensure the EQuIS Geotech Collect templates are configured prior to configuring the Enterprise dashboards. See the Collect Template Configuration article for more information.



User Report Configuration


Report parameters for a published report can be saved to the database as a user report, appearing in the ST_USER_REPORT and ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER tables. With the appropriate permissions, the user reports will appear:

in the 'User report' drop-down for each opened report in EQuIS Professional, and

as individual entries in the Enterprise Report Chooser.


The EQuIS Geotech dashboards are designed with widgets calling specific EQuIS Geotech user reports that have already been setup with the correct report template. Prior to configuring the EQuIS Geotech dashboards, these user reports MUST be created.


Open Professional and create user reports for the following reports used in the EQuIS Geotech dashboards. Make sure to select the proper template (where applicable) when configuring the user report.

1.Collect – API: Location Info

2.EnviroInsite Boring Log II – Create 4 different user reports with each using a different report template. For each user report, set the "Add cover page" parameter to "false".

a.CPT – Use GeoCPT_EIReport_Template.xml file

b.DMT – Use GeoDMT_EIReport_Template.xml file

c.Field and Well – Use EarthSoft_StandardGeoField_WithWellConstBLTemplate.xml file

d.Field and Data – Use EarthSoft_StandardGeoBLTemplate.xml file

3.EnviroInsite Subsurface Profile

4.Geotechnical Analytical Results

5.Geotechnical Atterberg

6.Geotechnical Atterberg 3 Point

7.Geotechnical Compaction

8.Geotechnical CPT Apparent Rod Breaks

9.Geotechnical CPT Data

10.Geotechnical CPT Dissipation Data

11.Geotechnical CPT Parameters

12.Geotechnical CPT Pore Pressure – Dissipation

13.Geotechnical DMT Data

14.Geotechnical Gradation (Hydrometer) – ASTM D7928

15.Geotechnical Gradation (Sieve) – ASTM D6913

16.Geotechnical Grain Size D422

17.Geotechnical Lab Forms

18.Geotechnical Lab Summary

19.Geotechnical Lab Test Assignments

20.Geotechnical Unconfined Compression

21.Geotechnical Unconfined Compression Data

22.Geotechnical Unconsolidated Undrained

23.Geotechnical Unconsolidated Undrained Data

24.Geotechnical Water Content vs. Depth

25.gINT Export


EarthSoft recommends using the Suggested User Report names outlined in the "User Report Creation" worksheet of the EQuIS Geotech Dashboard Configuration Reference.xlsx file provided in the \Configuration Files\EQuIS Geotech Dashboards folder of the EQuIS Geotech package downloaded from the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC).  


Note: Keep a list of the USER REPORT ID values (ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID) for each of these reports to assist with the configuration steps in each dashboard section.  



Note: For performance efficiency, EarthSoft suggests having the EnviroInsite User Reports load only when a location filter is applied. Set the PARAM_VALUE = “None” for ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.PARAM_NAME = @sys_loc_codes.


The image below displays the ST_REPORT_PARAMETER records for a user report based on the EnviroInsite Boring Logs II Report configured to load only when a location filter is applied.





Dashboard Configuration


Prior to configuring the EQuIS Geotech Dashboards. It is essential that all aspects of the EQuIS Geotech Database Configuration be completed as well as the prior sections in this article.


The EQuIS Geotech Dashboard files are located in \Configuration Files\EQuIS Geotech Dashboards folder of the EQuIS Geotech package downloaded from the ECC.  


Dashboard Files (*.dashboard) to Configure:

1.EQuIS Geotech (Home Page)

2.Field Data Entry


4.Boring Logs and Profiles

5.Lab Assignments

6.Lab Data Entry

7.Lab Instrument Files

8.Report & Visualization


The EQuIS Geotech dashboards can be configured via two methods:

Option 1 – Dashboard configuration by editing dashboard JSON files (suggested method)

Option 2 – Dashboard file configuration in Enterprise



Option 1 – Dashboard Configuration by Editing Dashboard JSON Files

1.Gather all the ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID values created in the User Report Configuration Step.

2.Open the "Dashboard Configuration" worksheet of the EQuIS Geotech Dashboard Configuration Reference.xlsx file provided in the \Configuration Files\EQuIS Geotech Dashboards folder of the EQuIS Geotech package downloaded from the ECC.

This file outlines the ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID values present in the dashboard files.

These are the values that need to be updated to match the ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID values in your database.

Column A lists the corresponding Dashboard File where the ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID values will need to be updated.

3.Open one of the EQuIS Geotech Dashboard Files in NOTEPAD/NOTEPAD++ (or a similar application).

4.In the Dashboard File, replace the existing USER_REPORT_IDs with the corresponding USER_REPORT_IDs created in the User Report Configuration step. This will involve:

a.Search for the ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID specified in EQuIS Geotech Dashboard Configuration Reference.xlsx file.


b.Replace the USER_REPORT_ID to reflect your database.
In the example below, the newly created Geotechnical Atterberg Limits User Report has an ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_ID = ‘1234’. The user is searching the Report & Visualization dashboard file for ‘9210’ and replacing this value with ‘1234’.


5.Once all the USER_REPORT_IDs in the Dashboard File have been updated to reflect the values in your database, save the file.

6.Repeat Steps 3 – 5 for each dashboard file. Follow the EQuIS Geotech Dashboard Configuration Reference.xlsx file to understand which reports are present in each file. There are a total of 8 dashboard files.

7.Navigate to EQuIS Enterprise and create a new Dashboard.

8.In the new Dashboard, add the Module Manager widget. Click Save.

9.Ensure that no facility is selected in the Facility Chooser. In the Module Manager Widget, select the Browse button and upload the updated dashboard files.


Note: Dashboards must be uploaded through an Administrator user.  


10.Log out of the Enterprise site and log back in.

11.Click the Dashboard Chooser Ent-Dashboard_Chooser button and select the EQuIS Geotech dashboard.

12.The EQuIS Geotech side menu needs to have the Dashboard IDs and File IDs for the navigation icons updated to the IDs in your database (DT_FILE.FILE ID). Right click on the EQuIS Geotech side menu (HTML widget) and select Edit to open the HTML Widget Editor.


13.Edit the HTML for the dashboard side menu as follows in the Plain Text Editor:

a.Update the Dashboard ID for each of the 8 dashboards to the Dashboard ID in your database. Open the Dashboard Chooser to the All Dashboards grid view to see the Dashboard ID values in your database.


b.Update the Navigation image DT_FILE.FILE ID for each dashboard to the DT_FILE.FILE_ID assigned to the image when uploaded to your database in the EQuIS Geotech Database Configuration step.


14.Repeat Steps 12 and 13 for the other EQuIS Geotech Dashboards (7).

15.Navigate to the Lab Assignments Dashboard and select the Manage Lab Fees tab.

16.Click the More Options Ent-More_Options-Icon icon in the upper right corner of the HTML widget titled "Download Project Fees Override Template" and select Edit to open the HTML Widget Editor.

17.Update the DT_FILE.FILE_ID value for the Lab_Test_Fee_Override.xlsx file.



Option 2 – Dashboard File Configuration in Enterprise

1.Navigate to EQuIS Enterprise and create a new Dashboard.

2.In the new Dashboard, add the Module Manager widget. Click Save.

3.Ensure that no facility is selected in the Facility Chooser. In the Module Manager Widget, select the Browse button and upload the EQuIS Geotech Dashboard files provided in \Configuration Files\EQuIS Geotech Dashboards folder of the EQuIS Geotech package downloaded from the ECC.  


Note: Dashboards must be uploaded through an Administrator user.  


4.Log out of the Enterprise site and log back in.

5.Gather the DT_FILE.FILE_ID values for the Navigation images and Lab_Test_Fee_Override.xlsx file uploaded to your database in the EQuIS Geotech Database Configuration step.

6.Gather the DASHBOARD_ID values of the 8 EQuIS Geotech Dashboard files. To acquire the Dashboard ID values, open the Dashboard Chooser Ent-Dashboard_Chooser to the All Dashboards grid view to see the Dashboard ID values in your database.


7.Click the Dashboard Chooser button and select the EQuIS Geotech dashboard.

8.Remove and reconfigure each widget in each tab in each Dashboard File.

9.The EQuIS Geotech side menu needs to have the Dashboard IDs and File IDs for the navigation icons updated to the IDs in your database (DT_FILE.FILE ID). Right click on the EQuIS Geotech side menu (HTML widget) and select Edit to open the HTML Widget Editor.


10.Edit the HTML for the dashboard side menu as follows in the Plain Text Editor:

a.Update the Dashboard ID for each of the 8 dashboards to the Dashboard ID in your database using the information gathered in Step 6.

b.Update the Navigation image DT_FILE.FILE ID for each dashboard to the DT_FILE.FILE_ID in your database using the information gathered in Step 5.


11.Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for the other EQuIS Geotech Dashboards (7).

12.Navigate to the Lab Assignments Dashboard and select the Manage Lab Fees tab.

13.Click the More Options Ent-More_Options-Icon icon in the upper right corner of the HTML widget titled "Download Project Fees Override Template" and select Edit to open the HTML Widget Editor.

14.Update the DT_FILE.FILE_ID value for the Lab_Test_Fee_Override.xlsx file.