<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Professional > Tools & Charts > Creating a Vertical Profile (Tee Chart) |
•Open the Vertical Profile Window
•Change Annotations (Inlet, Tier labels)
The Vertical Profile is a vertical trend or line chart that displays one or more parameters measured at a specified depth, location, and time. There may be multiple, independent horizontal axes, depending on how many analytes are selected.
Vertical Profiles can still be created using TeeCharts in EQuIS Professional 7 by holding down the Shift key on the keyboard while clicking the Vertical Profile button, which is located within the Tools group of the Home tab on the EQuIS Professional ribbon.
The Vertical Profile can display data from two different data sources:
If the DT_BASIC_RESULT contains records for the current facility, then data from that table will be displayed by default. If you have basic result data, but want to view data from DT_SAMPLE/DT_TEST/DT_RESULT, hold the alt Shift key while clicking the Vertical Profile button to skip basic results and display DT_SAMPLE/DT_TEST/DT_RESULT. If the DT_BASIC_RESULT table is empty for the current facility, then data from DT_SAMPLE/DT_TEST/DT_RESULT will automatically display.
When viewing DT_SAMPLE/DT_TEST/DT_RESULT data, consider the following:
•Locations/dates/analytes will only be displayed when DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH is not null.
•Locations/dates/analytes will only be displayed when DT_RESULT.RESULT_NUMERIC is not null (i.e. detects).
•The dates displayed are from DT_TEST.ANALYSIS_DATE.
When DT_BASIC_RESULT or DT_SAMPLE/DT_TEST/DT_RESULT is displayed, the data mappings are:
Data Source |
Location |
Analyte |
Dates |
sys_loc_code |
cas_rn |
result_date |
dt_sample.sys_loc_code |
dt_result.cas_rn |
dt_test.analysis_date |
Data Source |
Y axis |
X axis |
Y unit |
X unit |
depth |
result_value |
depth_unit |
result_unit |
dt_sample.start_depth |
dt_result.result_numeric |
dt_sample.depth_unit |
dt_result.result_unit |
Note 1: The null DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH or DT_RESULT.RESULT_NUMERIC (i.e. non-detects) is excluded in charting.
Note 2: There are not any unit conversions.
Note 3: Depth or start_depth is present as negative values in Y axis and sorted in descend in charting.
Click Vertical Profile, which is located in the Tools group on the Home tab.
The Vertical Profile window consists of
1. Chart Toolbar area
2. Chart area
3. Data area and or Advanced area.
The following steps will create a vertical profile of an analyte on a day at a location.
1.Select the desired Location using the Location drop-down menu of the Data area.
2.Select an Analyte using the Analyte drop-down menu.
3.Select Dates (to select multiple, non-adjacent dates, hold down the Ctrl key while making selections).
4.Click Show.
To display a vertical profile of another analyte of the location in the same chart, select the new analyte and its desired dates, click Show.
Users have almost complete control over the look of the vertical profile and can:
•Change the line type, color, and appearance.
•Modify axis labels and lines.
•Customize the header, and much more.
This tutorial does not attempt to exhaustively describe every feature that can be customized, but rather provides easy-to-follow instructions for some of the more commonly used customizations.
To change the elevation axis so that elevation labels are spaced out further and represent a greater distance:
1.Click the Advanced tab.
2.Open the AxesEditor by clicking on the (...) sign.
3.Select Right Axis for the right (elevation) axis.
4.Change the axis Increment by clicking Change under the Scales tab.
5.Add your Increment and click OK.
To change the appearance of one or more lines on the graph:
1.Click the Advanced tab.
2.Select Series and click on the (...) sign.
3.Under Members, select all three series by either holding the Ctrl key while clicking on each of the series listed as HorizLine or by dragging to select your options.
4.Expand LinePen by clicking on the > sign.
5.Change Width.
6.Click OK.
To change the line color:
1.Select Series and click on the (...) sign.
2.Select the line, HorizLine, you would like edit.
3.Change the Color by clicking the Color box and clicking the square, gray button to the far-right.
4.Select a new color from the drop-down.
To change the line style:
1.Select Series and click on the (...) sign.
2.Expand LinePen by clicking on the > sign.
3.Change Style by clicking Style and clicking the square, gray button to the far-right.
4.Select the new line style from the drop-down.
To change the header of the graph:
1.Click the chart area to open the Advanced tab.
2.Expand the Header by clicking on the > sign.
3.Click Text and edit the text in the box to the right.
4.Make the Header visible by clicking Visible and changing the default value to True.
To change the subheader:
1.Expand Subheader by clicking on the (...) sign.
2.Click Text and add text to the box to the right.
3.Make the Subheader visible by clicking Visible and changing the default value to True.
To change the legend:
1.Click the Advanced tab.
2.Expand Legend options by clicking on the > sign.
3.To remove check boxes from the Legend change Check boxes from True to False.
4.Change the background color by clicking Color and selecting a color from the drop-down.
5.Change the spacing between the objects in the Legend by clicking VertSpacing and adding a positive integer to the text box to the right.
Labels created for tier elevations and second inlet are simply annotation objects that are created in an automated manner for the purpose of specifically labeling station parameters. General annotations can be created anywhere on the graph by right-clicking and selecting Add Annotation. Annotations can be modified individually or as a group. To modify annotations collectively, select multiple annotations by holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on each individual annotation.
1.Select one or more annotations.
2.Click the Advanced tab.
3.Expand Annotation by clicking on the > sign.
4.Expand Shape.
5.Expand Gradient.
6.Change Visible to "True".
To add a Company Logo:
1.Click the Add Image button on the toolbar.
2.Browse to the appropriate directory and select a .jpg file.
3.Click Open.
The logo will appear on the graph. It can be repositioned by clicking on the image and dragging it to the desired position.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 10 Aug 2023