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Report Name: Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) (example)
File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.67219.dll
Report Dependencies: Analytical Results II and Water Levels
Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise
Source: EQuIS Professional install
Language: English
Output Type: Excel1
Description: The Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) Report allows you to generate time series plots using the results of the Analytical Results II and the Water Levels reports.
Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.
Note: If the Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) Report has been published to the database, the configuration set in the AnalyticalResultsTrendPlot_default.txt file will be overridden in favor of the settings in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.
The main features of the report are:
1.Users can customize the user interface for input parameters.
2.Water level (DT_WATER_LEVEL.EXACT_ELEV, which is calculated based on the default input parameters of the Water Level Report) can be added onto the Analytical Results plots.
3.If there are different units for a parameter, they are automatically converted to the first location's latest sample result's unit for that parameter and any results with failed unit conversions are removed to seamlessly generate plots.
4.The maximum and minimum values of X axis can be adjusted over input parameters.
5.On the unit conversion from action level to analyte result, if there is a unit conversion error, the unit of action level of an analyte will not be converted and will be used as it is in charts for seamlessly charting. At the same time, an error message is written to the Errors worksheet.
6.There are several hidden parameters that are available for use once the report is published to the database. To see these hidden parameters, review the rows in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER associated with the Analytical Results Trend Plot ST_REPORT.REPORT_ID and change ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.VISIBILITY from 'N' to 'Y'. Be sure to save changes and then open a new instance of the report.
How to Customize User Interface for Input Parameters
When the report is run for the first time, it generates the AnalyticalResultsTrendPlot_default.txt file in the EQuIS working folder (e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My EQuIS Work\Springfield\Springfield Facility\). Many report parameters based on the Analytical Results II Report are hidden by default in this configuration. To show/hide a user input parameter, modify its visibility value (e.g. modify @sys_loc_codes,Y to @sys_loc_codes,N to hide the location_groups parameter). The AnalyticalResultsTrendPlot_default.txt file can be deleted at any time. The report will use its default user interface for input parameters when AnalyticalResultsTrendPlot_default.txt is not available.
Tables: All tables required by the Analytical Results II and the Water Levels reports
Report Parameters * |
* This report includes hidden parameters that could affect the output of the report. This report contains the hidden fields: location
Location | Individual(s)-facilities - a Multi-Select parameter that lists locations alongside their facilities. This can be useful if running the report while logged into a facility group. If selected, this overrides selections from the standard Location | Individual(s) parameter.
Plot | Plot Group Type - Plots can be grouped in several ways and placed in one or multiple worksheets by either analyte or location:
•none (one analyte-location per plot), all plots in one worksheet
•none (one analyte-location per plot), one worksheet per location
•none (one analyte-location per plot), one worksheet per analyte
•by location (analytes-location per plot), all plots in one worksheet
•by location (analytes-location per plot), one worksheet per location
•by analyte (locations-analyte per plot), all plots in one worksheet|by analyte (locations-analyte per plot), one worksheet per analyte
Plot | The number of plots per print page - The number of plots per Excel print page can be defined as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6.
Plot | Series chart type - The following chart types are available.The column chart type for analyte can be used together with a different chart type for water level, e.g. plotting analytes in a column, and water level in a smooth line:
•straight line
•straight line with markers
•smooth line
•smooth line with markers
Plot | Chart Layout | Layout - Select the default Layout1 or toggle on the customizable Layout2.
Plot | Chart Layout | Layout | Layout 2 - Set the following options:
•Chart Title
•Left Y Axis Title - defaults to "Concentration(&unit)" for the primary y axis for analytical results, auto-populating the concentration unit.
•Right Y Axis Title - defaults to "Water Level(&unit)" for the secondary y axis for water levels, auto-populating the water level unit.
•X Axis Title - defaults to "Sample Date" for the x axis.
•Legend Position - can select Top or Right.
Plot | Differ Point symbols of detect from non-detect - Choose whether symbols of results where the detect_flag = "N" should be differentiated from results where the detect_flag = "Y".
Plot | Adjust X axis min/max | Days less than minimum date, Days more than maximum date - Set the lower and upper bounds of the date range for the x axis. Setting these values > 0 ensures that range uses is optimized for charts with only one sample or with different date ranges for analytical results and water levels.
Plot | X axis date format - Set the date format for the x axis as specified, where:
•d is a one-digit day (e.g. 2), expandable to two digits as needed (e.g. 21)
•dd is a two-digit day, displaying a zero in front of any single-digit values (e.g. 02)
•M is the numerical one-digit day (e.g. 3 for March), expandable to two digits as needed (e.g. 10 for October)
•MM is the numerical two-digit month (e.g. 03)
•MMM is the abbreviated three-letter text for the month (e.g. Mar for March)
•yy is a two-digit year (e.g. 20)
•yyyy is a four-digit year (e.g. 2020)
If the report is published, it is possible for a user with the Admin role to add additional configurations of the above options in the data_source for the @x_date_format parameter for the report in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER by adding a pipe character ("|") to the end of the data_source field and then adding the custom configuration, e.g.:
!Date Format!Auto|yyyy-MM-dd|dd/MM/yyyy|dd/MM/yy|d/M/yy|yy-MM-dd|M/dd/yy|dd-MMM-yy|dd-MMM-yyyy|MMM dd, yyyy
Note that not all possible configurations have been tested, and different separators may not work.
Plot | Use logarithm to Y axis - Sets a logarithmic scale for the Y axis for analyte plotting. Plotting water levels and action levels is ignored if this setting is turned on.
Water Level
Water Level | Add water level as secondary Y axis - If turned on, water levels will plot on a secondary y axis.
Water Level | Series chart type - Same as the Plot | Series chart type, except with a default option to use the same chart type as for chemical plotting.
Water Level | Horizontal axis crosses maximum axis value - Option for the x axis to cross the top of the chart, rather than the bottom.
Action Level
Action Level | Action Levels - Multi-select for Action Levels to add to chart.
Action Level | Use the most conservative action level - If more than one action level is selected and the check box "Use the most conservative action level" is checked, only one or the most conservative action level is plotted. If more than one action level is selected and the check box "Use the most conservative action level" is not checked, the selected action levels are plotted.
Logo file name - If a logo file (default name within the report - artp_logo.jpg) is uploaded to DT_FILE, the logo will be in the Excel output file in the left header.
1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 22 Oct 2022