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EnviroInsite templates support the plotting of database functions in Boring Logs or Subsurface Profiles. Data from SQL table-valued functions may be plotted as boring log columns in the EnviroInsite template. Functions with names starting with “ei_” will be available in the Functions tab in the right pane of the Template Design window.
Note: EnviroInsite always provides @facility_id and @sys_loc_code as parameters. These functions only support one project (TASK_CODE) per facility. |
•The Atterberg Limits function queries the Liquid Limit (DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘Att_LL’) and the Plastic Limit (DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘Att_PL’). It also calculates the Plasticity Index by subtracting the Plastic Limit from the Liquid Limit (LL-PL), or returns ‘np’ if PL > LL or either PL or LL = 0.
•This data are then formatted by adding dashes between the three values ([Att_LL]-[Att_PL]-[LL – PL]), e.g.:
•The function also defines the column header as “atterberg limits”. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•This function reports the dry density result in DT_GEO_RESULT.RESULT_VALUE for a sample. Since dry density data can be collected with various tests, this function uses the following hierarchy when querying the dry density result for the sample:
Ranking |
1 |
dry_density |
water_content |
2 |
dry_density |
unconf_compression |
3 |
dry_density |
unconsolidate_undrain |
4 |
final_dry_density |
consolidation_detail |
5 |
dry_density |
direct_shear |
•This function also defines the column header as a concatenation of “Dry Unit Weight” and the appropriate unit from DT_GEO_RESULT.RESULT_UNIT (e.g., “Dry Unit Weight (pcf)”). This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•This function reports the results of the following field tests, matching a location’s DT_SAMPLE table records to the DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION table records by START_DEPTH:
•The function searches for samples with DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_METHOD = ‘SPT’ or ‘SS’.
•Queries the following fields in the DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION table where DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION.METHOD = ‘SPT’:
•For Imperial units, a blow count value corresponds to a 6-inch penetration interval.
•For Metric units, a blow count value corresponds to a 150-mm penetration interval.
•Conditions supported:
Case 1 – 3 Blow counts, sample length ≥ total penetration length
•From DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION, the MAIN_BLOWS_1, MAIN_BLOWS_2, and MAIN_BLOWS_3 values are concatenated together with a dash separator.
•The N-value is the sum of MAIN_BLOWS_2 and MAIN_BLOWS_3.
3-4-5 N=9
Case 2 – 4 Blow counts, sample length ≥ total penetration length
•From DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION, the MAIN_BLOWS_1, MAIN_BLOWS_2, MAIN_BLOWS_3, and MAIN_BLOWS_4 values are concatenated together with a dash separator.
•The N-value is the sum of MAIN_BLOWS_2 and MAIN_BLOWS_3.
Case 3 – Refusal encountered (assumed by sample length < total distance penetrated for the blow counts)
•The function determines the length penetrated per blow interval prior to refusal. It will then round this value to the nearest whole number and place this value in the denominator of the last blow count reading.
•When refusal is encountered for English (Imperial) units, inches are included in the denominator.
•When refusal is encountered for Metric units, millimeter values are displayed in the denominator, but units are not included in that display.
Example of calculation and output in English units:
•Equation used: 6-inch - (# of blow intervals) x 6-inch – (sample length in feet) x 12-inch
Blow 1 = 35
Blow 2 = 41
Blow 3 = 50
Sample Length = 1.3 ft.
6 inch – (3 blow intervals) x 6 inch – (1.3 ft) x 12 inch = 3.6 inches
•Result Output: 35-41-50/4”
•The function reports the RESULT_VALUE associated with DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘DCPT’ where the parent record in DT_GEO_TEST has TEST_TYPE = ‘Dynamic_CPT’.
•The function checks DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_METHOD = ‘TXC’. It then queries the data from the DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION table where METHOD = ‘TCP’.
•Queries the following fields from DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION and formats them appropriately:
•blows_1st = MAIN_BLOWS_1
•penetration_1st = MAIN_PENETRATION_1
•blows_2nd = MAIN_BLOWS_2
•penetration_2nd = MAIN_PENETRATION_2
•where METHOD = ‘TCP’
•When populated, the fields are combined as followed:
blows_1st/penetration_1st" blows_2nd/penetration_2nd"
•The penetration values are rounded to one decimal point. If the units are in Imperial, then an inch unit symbol is added to the penetration value.
12/6.0" 13/6.0"
•This function works with Imperial or Metric units. It is assumed that all the standard penetration depth values are in meters or feet. If units are not specified in the DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION table, then Imperial units are used by default.
•This function also defines the column header as “Field Test Results”. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•This function gathers the DT_GEO_RESULT.RESULT_VALUE for records where the DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘HP’ or ‘HP_Lab’ and where the associated DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘Hand_Penetrometer’ or ‘HP_Lab’.
•Depth information is returned from the DT_GEO_TEST table, or from the DT_SAMPLE table if not populated in DT_GEO_TEST.
•The function rounds the RESULT_VALUEs based on the DEPTH_UNIT:
•psi – whole numbers
•psf – 1 decimal place
•Other DEPTH_UNITs – 2 decimal places
•The function also defines the column header as a concatenation of “HP” with the RESULT_UNIT (e.g., “HP (tsf)”). This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•The Lithology Description function queries the DT_LITHOLOGY_COMPONENT table for each interval at a location and returns the DESCRIPTION fields for the PARAM_CODEs listed below (when present), concatenated and separated by commas. Some fields contain specific formatting.
•If fill_yn = ‘Y’, then concatenate ‘FILL –‘ at the beginning of the full description.
•Formatting is applied: Bolded and underlined
•Formatting is applied: Bolded and underlined
•Formatting is applied: Bolded and underlined
•If ‘modifier’ and ‘modifying_material’ contain values, then these fields are concatenated together without a comma in between (e.g., ‘trace organics’).
•particle_size_rnge_sand or particle_size_rnge_grvl
•The function will grab the appropriate value based on the user-entered data. It is assumed that only one of these fields would be populated for an interval.
•angularity_sand or angularity_gravel
•The function will grab the appropriate value based on the user-entered data. It is assumed that only one of these fields would be populated for an interval.
•If ‘joining_word’ and ‘additional_color’ are populated, then they are concatenated to ‘color’ with no commas in between (e.g., ‘brown gray to brown’).
•Examples of how this function would appear on a boring log:
•FILL – CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL (SM), trace organics, fine grained, low plasticity, soft to medium stiff, black, dry, possible cobbles/boulder encountered
•POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), medium grained, loose, bluish gray with light tan, moist
•SHALE, fine grained, moderately fractured, very thin bedding, highly weathered, medium strong, rust staining
•This function gathers the DT_GEO_RESULT.RESULT_VALUE for records where DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘organic_content’ and where DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘Organic_Content’.
•A result unit of ‘%’ is assumed, and the result is rounded to one decimal place.
•Depth information is returned from the DT_GEO_TEST table, or from the DT_SAMPLE table if not populated in DT_GEO_TEST.
•This function also defines the column header as “ORGANIC CONTENT (%)”. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•This function reports the percent finer value, rounded to one decimal place, for the sieve diameter 0.075 mm, defined as follows:
•In DT_GEO_RESULT, the RESULT_VALUE for GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘Sieve_Percent_Finer’ where the GEO_TEST_ID for that record has a corresponding record where GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘Sieve_Diameter’ and RESULT_VALUE_TEXT = ‘0.075’.
•This function also defines the column header as “Percent Fines”. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•Downhole data functions similarly to EI_ATTERBERG_LIMITS, except this function will only display the Liquid Limit (DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘Att_LL’) and the Plastic Limit (DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘Att_PL’), separated by spaces.
•Downhole data functions similarly to EI_UNCONF_COMP_STRENGTH.
•Rounding is based on reporting units (PARAM_VALUE in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table where PARAM_CODE = ‘comp_strength_units’):
•psf – round to the nearest 10
•psi – round to the nearest whole number
•tsf – round to 2 decimals (3 significant digits is preferred)
•Caption: 'UC' or 'UU' with the unit displaying on the next line.
•This query checks the defined recovery unit from the PARAM_VALUE in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table for PARAM_CODE = ‘recovery_units’ (since the reporting of recovery units dependent on user selection at project setup).
•If there are multiple such records for a facility, the one with the most recent MEASUREMENT_DATE is used.
•Based on the recovery unit specified, the recovery value is returned in one of the following ways:
•For a recovery unit of ‘%’ – DT_GEO_CORING.RECOVERY_PERCENT, rounded to a whole number.
•For other recovery units – DT_GEO_CORING.RECOVERY_LENGTH, converted (if needed) from the DT_GEO_CORING.LENGTH_UNIT to the unit in the associated PARAM_VALUE for DT_TASK_PARAMETER.PARAM_CODE = ‘recovery_units’, and rounded to one decimal place.
•The function also defines the column header as a concatenation of ‘Recovery’ with the PARAM_VALUE for DT_TASK_PARAMETER.PARAM_CODE = ‘recovery_units’ (e.g., ‘Recovery (cm)’). This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•This function returns the contents of DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_NAME. If the specified sample has a PARENT_SAMPLE_CODE, then no SAMPLE_NAME is returned.
•This function also defines the column header as ‘sample number’. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•Based on the test type, this function queries the results for strain where
•DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘Unconf_Compression’ and DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = failure_strain_val
•DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘UnconsolidateUndrain’ and DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = failure_strain_val
•This function rounds the queried value to a whole number.
•This function also defines the column header as “STRAIN (%)”. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•Queries results where:
•DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘Unconf_Compression’ and DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘strength’
•DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘UnconsolidateUndrain’ and DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘strength’
•This function rounds the queried value to a whole number.
•This function also defines the column header as “Compressive Strength ([UNIT])”. The UNIT is based on unit of strength specified in the PARAM_VALUE in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table for PARAM_CODE = ‘comp_strength_units’. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•Based on the test type, this function queries the results for DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE and returns an abbreviated test type:
•TEST_TYPE = Unconf_Compression returns “UC”
•TEST_TYPE = UnconsolidateUndrain returns “UU”
•This function also defines the column header as “TEST TYPE”. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•Calculates and queries results where:
•DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘Unconf_Compression’ and DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘strength’
•DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE = ‘UnconsolidateUndrain’ and DT_GEO_RESULT.GEO_RESULT_CODE = ‘strength’
•Rounding is based on the reporting unit for strength, as follows:
•PSF – to the nearest 10
•PSI – to the nearest whole number
•TSF – to 2 decimals (3 significant digits is preferred)
•This function also defines the column header as “Unconfined Compressive Strength ([UNIT])” (e.g., “Unconfined Compressive Strength (psf)”). The UNIT is based on unit of strength specified in the PARAM_VALUE in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table for PARAM_CODE = ‘comp_strength_units’. This header overrides the column header specified in EnviroInsite.
•This function reports the water content result in DT_GEO_RESULT.RESULT_VALUE for a sample. Since water content data can be collected with various tests, this function uses the following hierarchy when querying the water content result for the sample:
Ranking |
1 |
water_content |
water_content |
2 |
water_content |
unconf_compression |
3 |
water_content |
unconsolidate_undrain |
4 |
final_water_content |
consolidation_detail |
5 |
water_content |
sieve |
6 |
water_content |
organic_content |
7 |
water_content |
direct_shear |
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 22 Aug 2023