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•Updating, Refreshing or Downloading Dashboards, Widgets, and Config Settings
The deploy process in Enterprise 7 is a means to insert, update, or refresh the database regarding the contents and settings for dashboards (file extension .dashboard), widgets (file extension .widgettype), and settings in the ST_CONFIG table (file extension .dataset) as well as copying any related files (contained in zip files) to the web application. The module can be deployed to the Enterprise site following the below steps or by using the Module Manager Widget.
Before using the application, the default dashboard and widget objects must be deployed:
1.Open the \Enterprise7\deploy\st_config.dataset file in an XML/Text editor.
2.Review the default values, modify as necessary, and save changes.
Note: ST_CONFIG.DATASET is used only for convenience in populating default values for deploying. After deploying, the values are stored in the database table ST_CONFIG and are available for editing in the Workflow widget. For further explanation of the settings in the ST_CONFIG table, click here. |
3.Open a web browser to the installed web application URL (e.g., http://localhost/equis7/default.aspx).
4.Login using an EQuIS Enterprise administrator account (default account is administrator/admin).
5.After successful login, complete the deployment step by appending "action=deploy" to the Enterprise URL (e.g., https://localhost/equis7/default.aspx?action=deploy)
6.A list of files that were successfully processed will be displayed.
When first installed, the installer will populate the \Enterprise7\deploy\ folder with all of the necessary dashboard, widget, config, and zip files necessary for the version of the application.
To refresh a stock dashboard or widget type back to the original state, the dashboard or widgettype file can be deployed again. The \Enterprise7\App_Data folder contains the original installed widget, dashboard, and ST_CONFIG.DATASET deployment files. These can be copied from this folder into the \Enterprise7\deploy folder if any/all of the dashboards or widgets or other files need to be restored. Note that deploying a widgettype file will not update current widgets. It will only update future instances of that widget type.
Custom dashboards can be refreshed to a previous state by redeploying the dashboard file. Please see the Create or Transfer a Dashboard article for guidance.
The deployment process allows administrators to bulk upload files to DT_FILE, making it possible to deploy multiple data files, PDF files, and report templates in a single step. The final step of deployment will look for any files in the /deploy directory that have a file extension defined in the RT_FILE_TYPE table with a status_flag of 'A', and insert the files into the DT_FILE table. To deploy files as part of the deployment process, create a .zip file containing a /deploy folder with files to deploy and place it in the Enterprise /deploy folder.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 28 Aug 2023