Advanced Action Level API - QuickStart

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Advanced Action Level API - QuickStart

The Advanced Action Level API (Application Program Interface) allows you to create custom, advanced and/or calculated action levels. EarthSoft has a number of Advanced Action Levels available for this purpose, which are included in the standard EQuIS installation library.


Note: A more flexible version of Advanced Action Levels is now available in EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.105851.dll, and is explained in the User Configured Advanced Action Levels help article. Try these new and improved Advanced Action Levels first to see if they meet your needs.


The only exception to the above note is the Analytical Results Sum AAL (EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.13270). This functionality is not available in the User Configured Advanced Action Levels.


The Advanced Action Levels listed below can be used as they are (hard-coded) or the user can customize the code by requesting it from EQuIS support.


Advanced Action Level - Analytical Results Sum


EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.13270 (included in standard library). Applies an action level to the sum of the results of all of the analytes in the Action Level Parameters for that Action Level. The help article Action Level Parameters Sum provides more information.


Advanced Action Level - Analyte Group Sum


EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.42255 (included in standard library). Applies an action level to the sum of the results of an already established Method Analyte Group (MAG) (e.g. VOCS in the example Springfield dataset). Read more in the help article Analyte Group Sum.


Advanced Action Level - Aquatic Life for Metals


EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.59531 (included in standard library). Calculates the action level for analytes based on a formula that includes hardness as a factor.




where A, B, C and D correspond to CUSTOM_FIELD_1, CUSTOM_FIELD_2, CUSTOM_FIELD_3 and CUSTOM_FIELD_4 respectively for each PARAM_CODE in DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER and vary for different analytes. More information is available in the help article Aquatic Life for Metals.


Advanced Action Level - Creating Hardness Based Action Levels


Contains more detail on how to use and customize the Aquatic Life for Metals Report. The help article Creating Hardness-based Action Levels has more information.


Advanced Action Level - Hardness Based Exceedance


EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.44351 (included in standard library). Includes two Advanced Action Levels. The first calculates action levels for copper and lead for each sample, based on the hardness value of a sample. Refer to the help article Hardness Based Exceedance for more information. The second looks up action levels for four metals, based on the hardness result; see the help article Range Based Exceedance for more information.