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Report Name: Relative Percent Difference III (example)
File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.93818.dll
Dependencies: N/A
Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise
Source: EQuIS Professional install
Language: English
Output Type: Excel1
Description: The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) III Report determines the difference between analytical results for up to three samples. This report can be used to compare sample results from different laboratories or locations.
Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.
Users can select two or three samples for RPD analysis per run of the report. The Sample Information > Date Range > Start parameter requires input of the SAMPLE_DATE to populate the list of samples for user selection. The Sys Sample Code input selections filter to show only those SYS_SAMPLE_CODEs with SAMPLE_DATEs within one day of the input Start.
The report displays analytical results in the three columns of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary, and displays the related detection limit information in separate columns.
The report calculates an RPD as the absolute value of the difference between two samples (original and replicate samples) divided by the average of the samples, and then expressed as a percentage.
RPDs are calculated for three categories as follows.
•Category1: Primary vs Secondary (Original vs Duplicate)
•Category2: Primary vs Tertiary (Original vs Triplicate)
•Category3: Secondary vs Tertiary (Duplicate vs Triplicate)
For each of the Categories 1, 2, and 3, the report uses the logic below to 1) check the RPDs against the RPD Lower/Upper control limits (default or user-selected), and 2) check each of the two analytical results of calculating the RPDs against detection limits times user-defined Lower/Upper limit multiplier (default or user-selected), and 3) assign an appropriate outcome. When an RPD exceeds the control limits, it is highlighted.
For readability, the values from input parameters are abbreviated as follows:
Detection Limit:\Reporting Limit = RL
Detection Limit:\Lower Limit (required; defaults to 10) = DL_LL_multiplier
Detection Limit:\Upper Limit (required; defaults to 20) = DL_UL_multiplier
Relative Percent Difference:\RPD Lower Limit (required; defaults to 30%) = RPD_LL
Relative Percent Difference:\RPD Upper Limit (required; defaults to 50%) = RPD_UL
The four outcomes for the Category 1~3 evaluations (Pass, Pass 1, Pass 2, or Fail) are determined as follows:
Pass 1:
RPD ≤ RPD_LL, and
Each of the two (2) sample results < (use ≤ if UseEqualToInUpperLimit=True) DL_LL_multiplier * RL.
Pass 2:
RPD < RPD_UL, and
Each of the two comparison sample results ≥ DL_LL_multiplier * RL, and
Each of the two comparison sample results < DL_UL_multiplier * RL
OR, if input selection UseEqualToInUpperLimit=True:
RPD ≤ RPD_UL, and
Each of the two comparison sample results > DL_LL_multiplier * RL, and
Each of the two comparison sample results ≤ DL_UL_multiplier * RL
Fail: Fail Is identified If Pass, Pass 1 and Pass 2 are not identified.
When a Category of an RPD is Fail, the RPD is grey-color highlighted.
Notes: •If the units of measurement for the primary, duplicate, and triplicate samples are different, select Unit(s) or Analyte\Analyte Group(s) to unify units (and ensure necessary unit conversion factor(s) is present). •This report requires related primary and duplicate and/or triplicate sample, test, and result data; matching units and/or unit conversion factors present. |
Warning: Older databases may contain double "Reportable Result(s)" in the published report. The @reportable parameter was replaced by @reportable_results over time. If both parameters exist in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER, the conflict will prevent the "Reportable Result(s)" parameter from working.
Resolution: The fix depends on the contents of ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER for user reports of this report. First, filter ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER with the REPORT_ID for the RPD II report, found in ST_REPORT. •Case 1 – Only @reportable (old parameter) exists: •Case 2 – Both @reportable (old parameter) and @reportable_results (new parameter) exist: a.Delete @reportable records for these user reports in ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER. b.Have users double-check the "Reportable Result(s)" parameter in their user reports. •Case 3: Only @reportable_results (new parameter) exists:
After resolving the duplicate parameters in ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER, delete the @reportable record for this report in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER. |
Report Parameters |
1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 09 Mar 2022