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Form Name: Microsoft 365 OAuth
File Name: EarthSoft.Forms.Library.d23880.dll
Software: EQuIS Professional
Source: Contact EarthSoft Support
Description: The Microsoft 365 OAuth form may be used in EQuIS Professional to obtain an OAuth token for a Microsoft 365 account to be used for configuring incoming and/or outgoing email in EQuIS Enterprise. Typically, you would follow the instructions in this topic and use https://aad.equisonline.com/microsoft365_oauth.html to obtain an OAuth token. However, in some environments with restricted network access, you may not be able to use that site. Instead, you can use this form to obtain the OAuth token directly from Microsoft 365 directly within the restricted environment without having to use the https://aad.equisoneline.com site.
Installation Instructions: Download the file from the EarthSoft Community Center, unblock the *.zip file and extract the DLL to the EQuIS Professional installation folder. For default installations this directory is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS or (for per-user installation) %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS\. The form will be available for selection once Professional has been relaunched.
1.Open the Microsoft 365 OAuth form in EQuIS Professional
2.Adjust the checkboxes as follows:
a.offline_access: This box should be checked to ensure that the token may be continuously refreshed by the Enterprise email agent(s).
b.SMTP: Check this box if the token will be used by the Email Delivery agent to send outgoing emails.
Note: SMTP must be enabled by your Microsoft 365 administrator for the given Microsoft 365 account. |
c.IMAP: Check this box if the token will be used by the Email Retrieval agent to retrieve incoming emails via IMAP.
Note: IMAP must be enabled by your Microsoft 365 administrator for the given Microsoft 365 account. Typically, you would not need to check both IMAP and POP. |
d.POP: Check this box if the token will be used by the Email Retrieval agent to retrieve incoming emails via POP.
Note: POP must be enabled by your Microsoft 365 administrator for the given Microsoft 365 account. Typically, you would not need to check both IMAP and POP. |
3.Click the Sign in with Microsoft button.
4.Authenticate to Azure Active Directory with the appropriate credentials for the user account to be used for incoming and/or outgoing email.
5.Upon successful authentication, the form will automatically add the OAuth token to the XT_TOKEN table and the text box should display the token name (e.g., "ExternalOAuthToken:12345:username@organization.com").
6.Copy the token name and use it as the password when configuring EQuIS to use this email account for IMAP or POP (incoming email) and SMTP (outgoing email) – See mailSettings and Workflow Widget topics.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 11 Sep 2023