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Function Report Name: Geotechnical CPT Apparent Rod Breaks (example)
Dependencies: Licensed EQuIS Geotech and Geotechnical Schema
Software: EQuIS Professional
Source: EQuIS Professional install + EQuIS Geotech
Language: English
Output Type: Report Grid1
Description: The Geotechnical CPT Apparent Rod Breaks report outputs the apparent rod breaks that occurred during Cone Penetration Test (CPT) activities based on sleeve resistance measurements. This report filters the results based on the selected task and will only display locations that have CPT data in the DT_DOWNHOLE_POINT_DATA table. This report can be run in EQuIS Professional or used in the Data Grid widget in EQuIS Enterprise.
Installation Instructions: The EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_ROD_BREAK database function is installed when the Geotechnical Schema is applied to the database. The EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_ROD_BREAK function creates the function report Geotechnical CPT Apparent Rod Breaks.
Additional Information:
The EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_ROD_BREAK function determines that a rod break is present for a CPT reading according to the following conditions:
1.The function checks the sleeve resistance value three records ahead until three records behind.
2.If the current sleeve resistance measurement is more than 50% reduction from adjacent data, then the record is an apparent rod break.
a.The function does not consider measurements immediately before or after adjacent data. This is because rod breaks can include 2 records of data.
3.The function ignores measurements within 7 lines of the start of data and within 5 lines of end of data.
If the reading is an apparent rod break, the function populates the APPARENT_ROD_BREAK field in the report output with an ‘X’ value.
Note: To exclude a reading from being included in the Geotechnical CPT Apparent Rod Breaks report, the user must set the DT_DOWNHOLE_POINT_DATA.REPORTABLE_YN value to ‘N’ for the reading. |
Report Parameters |
1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, PDF, Text, Access, XML, etc.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 19 Aug 2023