EIA - Missing Expected Sampling Activity

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EIA - Missing Expected Sampling Activity

Report Name: EIA - Missing Expected Sampling Activity (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.65408.dll

Dependencies: N/A

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: HTML


Description: The EIA - Missing Expected Sampling Activity Report is triggered by EIA to generate a report that notices missing expected sampling activities, if there are not samples in the most recent x days.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



Source Tables DT_SAMPLE


Report Parameters *

Number of Day(s)

Enter a number of days


* This report includes the hidden parameter FACILITY_ID that could affect the output of the report.


Consult an EQuIS administrator if these parameters should be visible or use different default values in a published report (a report
that allows saving of user reports). These paramaters cannot be viewed or changed in unpublished reports outside of a report
parameter file.