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The Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget does not require EDDs to be packaged in a .zip archive (although zipped EDDs may still be uploaded). The EDP EDD Upload widget will package Microsoft Excel or flat text files with a user certificate and name them according to the naming convention outlined in this article.
Note: The .usr certificate must belong to an Active user with creator permissions on the EDD object type and editor permission on the target facility. |
Email and FTP submittals must conform to the requirements outlined in this document. Failure to conform to these rules will result in the EDD being rejected by the Enterprise EDP Workflow Service. There are two exceptions to this rule: DataFileMonitor and SplitByFacility explained in their linked articles. In reality, both of these features simply repackage the deliverable as a standard Enterprise EDD.
Critical information is encoded in the .zip archive file name. The format of this file name encoding differs by client assembly. In addition to the .zip file name extension, Enterprise EDP is looking for three values: EQuIS Format Definition (EFD), Facility Code, and a unique identifier. The zip file name should have the following nomenclature:
<Unique ID>.<FACILITY_CODE>.<Format Name>.zip
<Unique ID> = A unique identifier, such as the date or Sample Delivery Group name.
<FACILITY_CODE> = The facility code for the facility to which this EDD will be loaded.
<Format Name> = The EQuIS registered format definition (e.g., EFWEDD, EQEDD, EZEDD, or a custom format file). If a format name is omitted, Enterprise EDP will use the first format in the ST_CONFIG table with OBJECT_VALUE isDefault set to true.
When individual text files are included within the zipped EDD package, each file should have the following nomenclature:
<Unique ID>.<EDD Section Name>.txt
<Unique ID> = A unique identifier, such as the date or Sample Delivery Group name.
<EDD Section Name> = The name of the section within the EDD (e.g., EFW2FSample, EFW2LabTST, etc.).
For example, a zip file may be received/named "20060425.SPRINGFIELD.EFWEDD.zip" that contains:
The following file naming rules must be adhered to for the EDD to properly load into the EQuIS database:
•Between each of the file name elements is a "." (period). It is very important that it is a period and not a "-" (dash), "_" (underscore), or any other character.
•The order of the ZIP File Name elements specified above is required: Unique ID, followed by FACILITY_CODE, followed by Format Name.
•If the FACILITY_CODE is not entered exactly, or if the period is not included between the elements, the EDDs will be rejected. This is because Enterprise will not recognize the facility to load the data in the EQuIS database.
•If the FACILITY_CODE or Format Name contains any of the following characters, the EDD package cannot be processed by Enterprise EDP and must be submitted via Professional EDP:
. : * ? " < > | \ /
•The files contained within the zipped file must include the EDD Section name. There may be more information in the names, as long as the EDD Section name is separated from the other information with a period.
•The order of the Flat Text File EDDs Name elements specified above is required: Unique ID followed by EDD Section Name. The EDD Section Name must be the last entry prior to the ".txt" file extension.
•Do not use the following characters in the EDD package name or file path, as the system will not appropriately interpret the file path:
: * ? " < > | \ /
When individual text files are uploaded via the EDP EDD Upload widget and are not within a ZIP file, each file should have the following nomenclature:
<Unique ID>.<EDD Section Name>.txt (For multi-table formats)
<Unique ID>.<FACILITY_CODE>.<EDD Section Name>.txt (Unique ID will be overwritten on the ZIP file in this instance and is populated with a datetime stamp (e.g., 1629150716.GKM.EFWEDD.zip))
<Unique ID> = A unique identifier, such as the date or Sample Delivery Group name.
<EDD Section Name> = The name of the section within the EDD (e.g., EFW2FSample, EFW2LabTST, etc.).
<FACILITY_CODE> = The facility code for the facility to which this EDD will be loaded.
Note: The POST api/edp endpoint used by the EDP EDD Upload widget only uses the first two parts of a file name. If periods are to be included in the file name, then the second part must be a valid facility code. |
When an XLSX file is uploaded via the EDP EDD Upload widget and is not within a ZIP file, the file should have the following nomenclature:
<Unique ID>.xlsx
Note: Adding the FACILITY_CODE or format in the file name will not be respected for .xlsx files as the EDP EDD Upload widget will respect the selected facility and selected format. |
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 26 May 2022