Updating an Enumeration File

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Updating an Enumeration File

To Add or Replace the Values in the Enumeration File

To Create a New Enumeration File and then Use the File

To Allow Text in the Result for Certain CAS_RNs in the EQEDD_v2 Enumeration File

Office Hour Video


Enumerations are a way to enforce vocabulary on fields that have no reference tables. Enumerations can also restrict the vocabulary of fields that do have existing reference tables. They are used in EDP and in EDGE to enforce specific lookup values for key fields.


The enumerations are defined in one of two places:

1.EQuIS Format Definition (EFD) File – This is in the code of the format itself (.xse, .xsd) and is typically encrypted.

2.Enum File – This is an auxiliary enumeration file (e.g., EQEDD-enum.xml). This remains unencrypted and is editable.


For EQEDD, the enumerations are stored in an auxiliary file, C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\Formats\EarthSoft\EQEDD-enum.xml. These enumerations are editable. To update an enumeration file, find the enumeration name within the text file (generating an EDD Description can be used). The enumeration file can be opened in Microsoft Visual Studio (allows collapsing of enumerations and color coding) or Notepad.



To Add or Replace the Values in the Enumeration File


<xs:simpleType name="detect_flag">

 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

  <xs:maxLength value="2" />

  <xs:enumeration value="Y" />

  <xs:enumeration value="N" />

   <xs:enumeration value="TR" />





To Create a New Enumeration File and then Use the File


Use an unencrypted format file (.xsd) and then create the enumeration as show above. To add to the enumeration to the field, add an attribute "type" to the field declaration with the value equal to the enumeration name.


<xs:element name="detect_flag" type="detect_flag" nillable="false" default="Y">


If the type attribute is defined in the field declaration header, then it cannot have a simpleType sub node.



  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

    <xs:maxLength value="40" />





To Allow Text in the Result for Certain CAS_RNs in the EQEDD_v2 Enumeration File


This is possible only in formats that have a custom handler in the format logic that refers to the enumeration list for CAS RNs, such as the TestResults_v2 section in the EQEDD_v2 format. Only lowercase letters can be used in the "".


<xs:simpleType name="text_cas_rn">

 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

   <xs:maxLength value="20" />

   <xs:enumeration value="asbestos" />

   <xs:enumeration value="color" />

   <xs:enumeration value="coliform" />





Office Hour Video

The Office Hour video Understanding Enumeration Files on Screencast.


After making the desired changes to the format file, it is required when using Professional EDP (with application-level security) or Enterprise EDP that the format either be encrypted by EarthSoft (i.e., *.xse) or be embedded as a resource in a strong-named .NET assembly (i.e., *.dll). See Securing EDD Formats for additional information.