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The Lithology Field tab in EDGE allows you to enter both lithology and drilling parameters in one convenient form. Each drilling parameter entered is mapped as a row in DT_DRILL_PARAMETER.
The drilling parameter name is mapped to the PARAM_CODE field and the drilling parameter value is mapped to PARAM_VALUE.
The PARAM_CODE field has a foreign key to RT_SAMPLE_PARAM_TYPE, so each drilling parameter name must also be entered in that table.
In EDGE, the available drilling parameters are as follows:
•param_1 to param_10
Notes: •For the EDGE drilling parameter data to map properly into EQuIS, these parameter names must be entered as PARAM_CODEs in the RT_SAMPLE_PARAM_TYPE table. •During the EDGE schema update, data was entered into RT_REMAP and RT_REMAP_DETAIL for the default drilling parameters. |
Example: Storing the PARAM_CODE in DT_DRILL_PARAMETER as "N1" instead of "blowcount1":
If a different set of drilling parameter names is desired:
•Enter those names as PARAM_CODEs in the RT_SAMPLE_PARAM_TYPE table.
•Modify the data in RT_REMAP_DETAIL as follows (example assumes "blowcount1" is being changed to "N1"):
1.Open RT_REMAP and verify that a row exists with "edge_drilling_param" in REMAP_CODE and "A" in STATUS_FLAG.
2.Open RT_REMAP_DETAIL and find the row with the following values:
•REMAP_CODE = "edge_drilling_param"
•EXTERNAL_FIELD = "drilling_parameter"
•EXTERNAL_VALUE (EDGE value) = "blowcount1"
•INTERNAL_VALUE (EQuIS value) = "blowcount1"
3.Change INTERNAL_VALUE to "N1"
4.Repeat for each new INTERNAL_VALUE.
Now, when you create a package in EDP, the mapping will create a row in DT_DRILL_PARAMETER with PARAM_CODE = "N1".
To change the Caption displayed in EDGE for the drill parameter columns, use the instructions in Configuration Plugin Tool.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 19 Mar 2020