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•How to Update An Existing DQM QAPP Using the Update QAPP EDD
•How to Update the New Columns in RT_HOLDING_TIME for an Existing QAPP
For DQM QAPP Update files for EQuIS versions 7.21.1+, visit the EDP page for the appropriate build (for earlier DQM QAPP Update files, contact support@earthsoft.com).
•No updates for DQM QAPP 7.22.2
•DQM QAPP Updates 7.23.1 - After updating the DQM Schema, be sure to review the RT_DQM_QUALIFIER and RT_DQM_REASON table to edit rankings and/or remove unwanted records for individual QAPPs.
For a summary of the changes in each DQM Update QAPP EDD, download the EDD of interest using the links above and refer to the Format Information tab.
For initial configuration of DQM QAPP Settings, use the “DQM Starter QAPP” EDD and the “Getting Started with DQM” instructions.
Follow the instructions below to update existing DQM QAPP Settings configured with a previous version of EQuIS\DQM to a newer version.
A “DQM QAPP Updates X.XX.X” EDD has been created for each new DQM version for which changes were made that included new DQM QAPP Settings, commencing with version 6.6.1 (there were no such additions made for v7.20.2, so no EDD exists for that update). Each new “DQM QAPP Updates” EDD file only contains the new settings associated with the new DQM version, whereas each new “DQM Starter QAPP” EDD contains all of the DQM configuration data for a completely new QAPP.
Note: If you are updating to a version more than one step up, you must use the “DQM QAPP Updates” EDD files in successive order of DQM version to prevent errors from trying to upload new rules and parameters associated with a check that does not yet exist in your current DQM QAPP. |
1.Download the “DQM QAPP Updates X.XX.X” EDD or EDDs that you will be using from the links above.
Tips: If you have a DQM Starter QAPP EDD that was used to create the DQM QAPP needing updates, this original EDD may include useful version details on the Format Information tab. Review the Format Information tab of the new DQM QAPP Updates EDD for comparison and to review details of the updates. |
2.Open EQuIS Professional and connect to any facility in the target database, with the EQuIS (including DQM) Schema updated to the current/target version.
3.Copy the name of the QAPP to be updated:
oIf you would like to maintain the current QAPP as a reference for events already processed using this QAPP, then copy the QAPP prior to updating following these steps. If not, proceed to step 4.
a.Make a copy of the QAPP using the Copy QAPP available in the Tools Tab.
b.Rename the copy in the ‘To a new QAPP Code: section, for example “DQM_Starter_Standard_7221”.
oIf no copy of the QAPP is needed, open the RT_DQM_QAPP table and copy the name of the DQM_QAPP_CODE to be updated.
4.Open the “DQM QAPP Updates X.XX.X” file that is being prepared for upload in EDP.
5.Use the Excel Find and Replace function in the DQM QAPP Updates file (found in the Home tab of Excel or by selecting “Ctrl”+“F” key simultaneously).
a.Enter: “Your_QAPP_Code” in the “Find what” text box.
b.Paste the QAPP code from step 3 above in the “Replace with” text box.
c.Select “Within: Workbook” for the Options tab.
d.Click Replace All.
Tip: When updating the existing QAPP, consider revising the QAPP_CODE_DESCRIPTION and/or QAPP_CODE_REMARK to reflect the update(s) for future reference. |
6.Review and revise any of the default settings contained in the Excel file in the worksheets for:
a.RT_HOLDING_TIME, tab name = rt_holding_time_v2, see special instructions below;
b.RT_DQM_REASON, change the Reason Codes and Descriptions to the desired values for the new rules;
c.RT_DQM_RULE, change the Qualifiers and Reason Codes to the desired values for the new rules;
When there are new Rules, the old Rules do not need to be deleted. The new code looks for the new rules and only uses the new rules if found. This allows the update to be made with minimal effort. However, for clarity, the DQM administrator may want to either delete the old rules from RT_DQM_RULE or set their STATUS_FLAG = ‘R’.
d.RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM, the new check parameters have been set to values that turn the new functionalities OFF, so review them all carefully and change the values for the functionalities that are wanted ON.
Note: Delete any of the rows in the various workbooks in the DQM QAPP Updates file that pertain to checks that should not be included in the existing QAPP. For example, if one of the DQM QAPP Updates files contains new RT_DQM_RULEs and/or RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAMs for a check that was never included in the DQM QAPP, delete these rows to avoid getting errors when uploading the file to the database. |
7.Save the Excel file or Save As (with a name that indicates which DQM QAPP is being updated) to an appropriate location.
8.Close Excel.
9.From EQuIS Professional, open EDP.
a.Select the DQM-refvals format from the EQuIS\Formats\DQM folder.
b.Locate and select the EDD saved in Step 6 above.
c.Check for and resolve any errors.
d.Proceed to Create and Commit the EDD with the appropriate Commit Type.
1.From EQuIS Professional version 7.20.4 or higher, open EDP.
2.Select the DQM-refvals format from the EQuIS\Formats\DQM folder.
3.Select the Home tab and ensure that the “errors only” box is not selected.
4.Select the Professional tab.
5.Click the EDD drop-down in the Export section and select RT_HOLDING_TIME_V2.
6.Select the QAPP to update and click the Green Arrow button.
7.Make the desired changes and Save the EDD, then Create and Commit the EDD using the appropriate Commit Type.
1.From EQuIS Professional version 7.21.1 or higher, open EDP.
2.Select the DQM-refvals format from the EQuIS\Formats\DQM folder.
3.Select the Home tab and ensure that the “errors only” box is not selected.
4.Select the Professional tab.
5.Click the EDD drop-down in the Export section and select RT_CONTROL_LIMITS_V2.
6.Select the QAPP to update and click the Green Arrow button.
7.Make the desired changes and Save the EDD, then Create and Commit the EDD using the appropriate Commit Type.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 21 Aug 2023