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•How can blanks be associated to all the samples within the same laboratory work order number?
Answer: For any of the blank contamination checks, the multiplier is applied to all analytical methods. DQM includes functionality to set a different multiplier for an individual analyte by populating the desired multiplier value for the common_lab_multiplier parameter for each applicable blank contamination check listed in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM for every analyte that requires a different multiplier. Additionally, the RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS table allows the blank multiplier to be adjusted on a method/matrix level with an option of defining to the individual analyte level.
Answer: DQM has built-in logic to make associations dependent upon the sample_type (e.g. field blank, trip blank, or laboratory blank) as follows:
1.Field Blank Associated results are found by:
a.Matching samples by FIELD_SDG. If matching samples are found, the process stops.
b.If no matching samples are found, samples are matched by CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY (COC), then
c.If no matching samples are found, samples are matched by TEST_BATCH_ID.
2.Laboratory Blank Associated results are found by:
a.Matching samples by TEST_BATCH_ID. If matching samples are found, the process stops.
b.If no matching samples are found, samples are matched by LAB_SDG.
3.Trip Blank Associated results are found by:
a.Matching samples by COC. If matching samples are found, the process stops.
b.If no matching samples are found, samples are matched by FIELD_SDG.
Refer to the help article, DQM Check for Blank Contamination.
Answer: Yes, the DQM Starter QAPP includes three examples (i.e. acetone, methylene chloride, and 2-butanone) of common lab contaminants for the field blank, trip blank, and lab blank contamination checks in RT_DM_CHECK_PARAM. While the DQM Starter QAPP includes some examples of how to configure these parameters, the exact parameters should be defined per QAPP based on project needs.
Answer: DQM does not have a rule for the blank contamination checks to evaluate the detected concentration in the blank and sample and compare these values to the reporting limit. Until such time as this rule is added to the blank check, as a suggestion, set the parameter for the multiplier = 1 for all blank contamination checks (e.g. field blank, trip blank, lab blank) in the DQM QAPP EDD, and after creating and running a DQM Event, review and manually update the apply qualifier in the Exceptions by Check for blank contamination in the DQM Event Review Form to make additional qualifications.
Answer: While the laboratory method blank is taken from the exact same sample vial for analysis, each time this vial is analyzed, it is technically a different sample, as it has a different date and time of analysis and could potentially have different results. The sys_sample_code for each analysis of the same method blank should be unique. As a potential solution, concatenate the laboratory method blank sample ID with date and time (e.g. BLK2070B042020201230) or concatenate with the analysis batch number (e.g. BLK2070B12345) to create an unique sys_sample_code. Because the laboratory method blanks will be reported in different analysis batches, there should not be any errors encountered when running DQM.
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