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The DQM Check for Dilution Factor evaluates if a sample/analyte. was analyzed at a dilution (Dilution_Factor>1).
Check name is EarthSoft.DQM.DilutionFactor.
This check uses three Global Parameters:
1.reportable_result – DT_RESULT.REPORTABLE_RESULT values to include in DQM datasets
2.result_type_code – DT_RESULT.RESULT_TYPE_CODE to include in DQM datasets
3.test_type_batch – AT_TEST_BATCH_ASSIGN.TEST_BATCH_TYPE to include in DQM dataset
Three parameters are available for this check. None of these parameters allow for input of analyte-specific or method-specific PARAM_VALUEs.
1.sample_type_code – the sample type(s) of the samples to be included in this check. The default value is “N”.
2.result_type_code – the result type of the results to be included in this check. The default value is “TRG”.
3.non_detect_only – Y/N option to only review results with DETECT_FLAG = N. The default value is “N”.
Note: Default parameter values listed above refer to the value provided in the DQM Starter QAPP.xlsx. |
There is one rule:
1.DILUTION FACTOR > 1 – for when the dilution factor for the results associated with DT_TEST.DILUTION_FACTOR >1
The Apply Remark for this rule in the DQM Starter QAPP when an exception is encountered is: “The Dilution Factor for this result was greater than 1.”
DQM will evaluate the dilution factor in DT_TEST.DILUTION_FACTOR for all sample_type_code(s), and result_type_codes in the dataset and will create an exception when the dilution factor >1.
•If RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.NON_DETECT_ONLY = N, DQM will create an exception for all analytes where DT_TEST.DILUTION_FACTOR >1.
•If RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.NON_DETECT_ONLY = Y, DQM will create an exception for all analytes where DT_RESULT.DETECT_FLAG = N and DT_TEST.DILUTION_FACTOR >1.
When the dilution factor field in DT_TEST.DILUTION_FACTOR >1, an exception is added for the Rule = DILUTION FACTOR >1.
An example remark saved to dt_result.dqm_remark for this exception is:
“The Dilution Factor for this result was greater than 1.”
An error occurs when DT_TEST.DILUTION_FACTOR is null or non-numeric for any of the tests contained in the dataset in the DQM Event. An error message will be created for all results associated with the test with the dilution factor that is null or non-numeric.
An example error message is: "The DILUTION FACTOR column is NULL or not numeric at (sys_sample_code: Sample1, analytic_method: SW8260, cas_rn: 100-41-4)."
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 11 Oct 2022