<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: EDGE > Configuration > Configuration Plugin Tool > Understanding the EDGE Format Configuration File |
The format configuration file orchestrates the following configurations: File Name, Generic Structure, Column Header Captions, User Lookups, Default Value, Tab Header Captions, Location Tab Chooser, COC Table Configuration, File Attachment Option.
The format configuration file is an XML file. The Configuration Plugin Tool allows you to edit this configuration file with an easy-to-use form right in EDGE itself. This file may also be edited manually as described below.
Assuming the format name is EDGE, the format configuration file must be named in the following way:
•If there is only one XML file in the format folder, the name is not relevant, as long as the file extension is .XML.
•If there is more than one file in the format folder, the file name must contain format name followed by _config.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <NewDataSet> |
•Column header captions
•Tab header captions
•Location Chooser visible columns, order and captions
•COC table configuration
•File attachment option for selected tabs
</NewDataSet> |
Add as many captions as needed for each column of a format section. Please note that you can also change captions in EQuIS Professional and more information is available in Configuration Plugin Tool.
<format section name> <name>format column name</name> <caption>caption to show</caption> </format section name> |
Place as many as needed for each column of a format section.
<format section name> <name>format column name</name> <lookup>lookup type from RVF's rt_lookup table</lookup> <lookupColumn>rt_lookup column with data</lookupColumn> </format section name> |
EDGE will use values listed in RT_LOOKUP for the provided LOOKUP_TYPE to define a new lookup for the provided EDD column. Data will be taken from RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_CODE, unless otherwise specified in <lookupColumn>. Existing enumeration/lookup as defined in the format will be bypassed. If there are no values defined in RT_LOOKUP, EDGE will not define a new empty lookup. <lookupColumn> is optional. If not provided, the LOOKUP_CODE is assumed. If an invalid code is provided, EDGE lookup will not be created, and an error message will be added to the intelligent bar.
<format section name> <name>format column name</name> <default>default value for new row</default> </format section name> |
Overwrites default value as defined in format.
Currently only applies to COC.
Place as many as needed for each tab.
<ITab> <name>tab name</name> <caption>caption to show</caption> </ITab> |
Place as many as needed for each column of a location chooser.
<location format section> <name>format column name</name> <caption>caption to show</caption> <visible>true or false</visible> <order>position as number</order> </location format section> |
There are two tables that can be customized: COC information (COC_v1) and LAB information (RT_COMPANY). Place as many as needed for each column of COC related format section.
<COC_v1> <name>format column name</name> <caption>caption to show</caption> <visible>true or false</visible> <order>position as number</order> </COC_v1> <rt_company> <name>format column name</name> <caption>caption to show</caption> <visible>true or false</visible> <order>position as number</order> </rt_company> |
Place one for each data tab that needs to include file management capability.
<ITab.File> <name>tab name</name> <place_type>place type</place_type> <place_code>column with place code</place_code> <place_subcode>column with place sub-code<place_subcode /> <filter>OPTIONAL, custom file filter</filter> </ITab.File> |
File filtering specifies which file types can be attached. File filtering is optional. If not defined, EDGE will use default filter: jpg, jpg, raw, all files. For each filtering option, the filter string contains a description of the filter, followed by the vertical bar (|) and the filter pattern. The strings for different filtering options are separated by the vertical bar.
The following is an example of a filter string:
Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*
You can add several filter patterns to a filter by separating the file types with semicolons, for example:
Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|PDF Files|*.PDF|All files (*.*)|*.*
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 26 Mar 2020