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To begin using SPM, complete the following steps.
1.Read the article Create a New SPM Plan to get started.
2.Read Creating A New Group and Setup Activity Tables for information on Method Analyte Groups (MAGs) and SPM and EDGE Activities.
3.Create contracts per instruction in Setup SPM Contracts.
4.Read Add Planned Tasks to learn how to:
a.Set a recurrence pattern.
b.Assign Activities and/or Samples.
c.Review resulting schedule.
5.Read Schedule Tasks to learn about:
a.Scheduling one or more tasks at a time.
b.How to use Calendar view, as explained in Preview Calendar / Change Scheduled Date(s), to see all tasks in the Plan.
6.Adjust Scheduled Tasks as necessary using Drag and Drop.
7.Complete the Task and enter data into EQuIS.
a.To learn how to create and pre-print labels and COCs, read the article Use Avery Software with SPM Labels Report.
b.Task Detail and Calendar export reports are available.
c.EDGE or EQuIS Collect can be used to simplify and QC field data entry, but are not required.
d.Field and Lab data entered using EDP (EQuIS Data Processor).
8.Read Run Reports to track the task progress and completion (Completeness Report).
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 28 Feb 2023