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Professional - Crosstab Export to Excel, Column Header Merge vs Hidden [m86025]
During export of a Crosstab report to Excel, if a Column Header was set to be hidden preceded by a Column Header set to Merge, the merging of cells in the resulting Excel file ended up being applied to a row in the Column Headers section of the Excel file, below the row corresponding to the Column Header set to merge. This has been fixed.
Multiple Monitors - Window Disappears, Switching Display Monitors Fails [m99490]
The processes of opening and maximizing EQuIS Professional behaved erratically after the number of monitors connected was changed, or after changing which monitor was the primary monitor. That behavior has been improved and the last position and size of the Professional window is now being saved when the window is closed. In addition, if the saved position is outside the bounds of the current monitor configuration (e.g. the second monitor has been disconnected), then the saved position is adjusted to show Professional on the currently available monitor. [It is a known issue that this adjustment does not work when the initial monitor configuration was vertical or "stacked" before the second monitor is disconnected. There is a work-around if this occurs: <Shift><RightClick> the icon in the taskbar, then select <Move> option. Using the arrow keys, the Professional window can be brought back into view.]
EQuIS Professional - Add Risk3T to Install [m104409]
The EQuIS Risk3T module, which generates Action Levels and performs risk assessment calculations, is now available as an option to install with EQuIS Professional. An ala carte license (which can be added to any Professional license package) is required to run the Risk3T module.
Add 'Remove from Favorites' for Menu Favorite (Reports/Views/Tables) Drop-Down to Interface [m118735]
A new context menu provides the option to remove items from the Favorites list on the Professional Home Ribbon. To remove:
1) Right-click the item.
2) Select "Remove From Favorites".
DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP - Comparison_Fraction and _ID Updates [m118947]
Increased the size of column COMPARISON_ID on the
DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP table to 40 characters.
ST_CONFIG and ALS Permissions are Not Controlling Cascade Delete [m119607]
Fixed a bug introduced in EQuIS Professional 6.6 that ignored ST_CONFIG settings related to the Cascade Delete button.
Copy and paste the url listed below to read the online help article, which offers specific details on the new functionality.
Professional - Connect Using *.equis Files [m122502]
EQuIS Professional is now configured to open *.equis files created by EQuIS Enterprise.
Facility Groups Change from using GROUP_TYPE = "facility" to "facility_id" [m123008]
The standard ST_GROUP_TYPE.GROUP_TYPE of "facility" is updated to "facility_id". Facility group types added via the Professional Groups Form will now have RT_GROUP.GROUP_TYPE/RT_GROUP_MEMBER.MEMBER_TYPE = "facility_id" rather than "facility". Additionally, existing facility groups and group members of type "facility" will be updated to "facility_id". To ensure smooth transitioning, the EQuIS login will continue to recognize facility groups of type "facility". However, note that previous versions of EQuIS Professional display only group facilities of group type = facility.
DT_LOCATION_PARAMETER.FACILITY_ID Should be Required [m123141]
Column FACILITY_ID on the DT_LOCATION_PARAMETER table is now required. It should have been populated previously; if it was not, it must be done before the schema update will succeed.
Remove Check Constraint on DT_SDG.SDG_STATUS [m123438]
The check constraint on DT_SDG.SDG_STATUS has been removed. That field will now allow any text value (up to 20 characters in length).
Analytical Statistics - Graph Lines Plot Incorrectly [m127070]
The statistical lines were drawn inaccurately in the graphical output of the Analytical Statistics Report. This issue has been resolved.
Crosstab - Move "Display: None" Header Option to new "Hide" Column [m127561]
In EQuIS Professional, the User Interface for configuring Crosstabs has been updated to allow the ability to simultaneously hide a header and set Exceedance formatting by removing the "Display:None" option and creating a new, separate "Hide" option apart from the "Display" options.
Copy User Reports Form - Constraint Errors - Report List Fails [m128680]
Opening the Copy User Reports Form resulted in a constraint error when a report name in ST_REPORT was longer than 50 characters. The Copy User Reports Form has been updated to allow report names to be up to 255 characters.
Support IReportProgress in the Reports.Forms.ReportGrid [m128911]
Feature request to add completed x of y items message to ReportGrid reports. The message will show the report's progress. This feature has been implemented for reports that support it.
Error Deleting User Report with Related EIA [m128940]
A bug which caused an attempt to delete a report from ST_REPORT to fail if there was an associated Enterprise EIA has been fixed.
Crosstab - Add Function to Highlight Detections [m129259]
A new feature has been added which adds a "DETECTED" column to the Crosstab "Available Columns" section. Putting this column in a column header and applying an "Exceedance" formatting will highlight the rows or columns that are detections (not non-detects). The "DETECTED" column is based on the "DETECT_FLAG" column and will be a detections for values of "Y" and "TR".
Add_audit/add_euid/populate_euid with Custom Schemas [m130202]
We have improved support for auditing in custom tables that do not reside in the "dbo" schema. Note that the tables must still use a standard EQuIS table name prefix, such as "DT_".
User Report Input Parameters - Save Fails for Certain Manual Updates [m132098]
After users modified certain User Report parameters by manually typing a new value and then directly clicking "Save selections to database as 'User Report'", a "saved successfully" message appeared, but the new parameter value was not saved. This issue has been corrected.
XY Chart - Replace TeeChart with Syncfusion [m132413]
XY Charts are now generated using Syncfusion Window Form Chart tools. This replaces XY Charts generated with TeeCharts. In Professional 7, users may continue to access the legacy XY Charts with TeeCharts by holding down the Shift key on the keyboard when clicking the XY Chart button.
Add Attachments to Notes [m132429]
A file attachment option has been added to the EQuIS Professional Notes Form. The new feature enables users to upload files from the form and store them in DT_FILE. All files uploaded are then associated with the specific note they were attached to.
Coordinate Converter Form - Update to Use Esri API [m132912]
The Coordinate Converter Form has been updated to use the ESRI geometry server referenced in the ST_CONFIG table (GeometryServerURL). Coordinates can be converted between coordinate systems when RT_COORD_TYPE.COORD_TYPE_CODE is populated with a Well-Known ID, as published by ESRI, in the SRID field.
Relative Percent Difference Report -SQL Only- Hard-Coded Facility ID is Fixed [m133093]
When the "Relative Percent Difference Report" was published in a facility, the value of the facility_id was hard-coded into several parameters of ST_REPORT_PARAMETER. If a facility other than the report-published one is connected, the report would not run properly. This issue is resolved.
Analytical Results II No Sample Taken Report Still Relies on VW_LOCATION [m133635]
The Analytical Results II No Sample Taken Report has the parameter "Location\Include locations without matching samples?" hidden by default with default_value=false. With this parameter visible and checked or with default_value=true, output issues occurred as follows: 1) A location was excluded if it did not have coordinates and either a) Had no sample or b) Had a sample without any test or result; 2) A location with coordinates but no samples may be excluded entirely or included with partial data; 3) A location with coordinates, without samples, and not from the connected facility may be included. All of these issues are fixed.
User Permissions, Object Permissions Reports - Improving Performance by Eliminating Excel Formatting [m134443]
The User Permissions Report and, to a lesser extent, the Object Permissions Report had performance issues related to formatting and placing images in the Excel output. This could cause either report to time out when downloading from Enterprise. This has been fixed by removing the images from the report output, and just displaying the information with text.
Analytical Statistics Report Not Plotting All Action Levels in Report Output [m134618]
When more than one action level was selected in Analytical Statistics, only one action level was plotted and others were missed. The issue existed in plotting Action Level Lines or min Action Level Lines for the data with a fraction of N or T. This issue has been fixed.
Previously, when selecting Fraction = D as a report parameter in the Analytical Statistics report, the labels visible in the report output for action_level and action_level_min were the same. The report has been modified to display one action_level_code. Note that if the action_level_code displays two lines, this indicates a range of action levels for the existing analytes.
New Standard Report -SQL Only- Hydraulic Containment [m135263]
EQuIS standard report library is added with a new member "Hydraulic Containment". The report will produce a tabular table in an Excel file or a Google Earth output that compares measured water levels in primary wells to measured water levels in secondary wells.
ALE II - Improved Parameter Layout and New "Show All Plus Remark" for Crosstabs [m135386]
In the ALE II Report the "Flagging\Show Results" report parameter has a "Show All Plus" option which displays the Action Level information for any result with a matching CAS_RN in DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER. If the Action Level is not a complete match due to DEPTH, ANALYTIC_METHOD, FRACTION, etc., then the action level is not compared to the result and an explanatory note is placed in the FLAG column. Note that not matching due to a different MATRIX is not included in this feature.
In order for this option to be usable in a CrossTab display of this report, a new option "Show All Plus Remark" has been added which places the explanatory note in the AL_REMARK and ALP_REMARK columns, instead of the FLAG column.
In addition, the input parameter layout is improved.
Action Level Exceedance II - Percent Variance: Enable Trigger EIA [m135710]
Action Level Exceedance II - Percent Variance is modified so it can be triggered by EIA.
Doc & Photos Form - Error when Uploading Folder Containing Subfolders to EQuIS Database [m136324]
Uploading a folder containing subfolders with the Docs and Photos Form caused an error message, and subfolders were not uploaded. This has been fixed. Folders containing subfolders can now be uploaded using the Docs and Photos Form.
Customizing a Date in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER Fails [m136865]
When a constant date value, e.g. 2008-01-01, for SQL was published or entered in the DEFAULT_VALUE of a date parameter of a published report in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER, the report did not read the date correctly when it opened. This issue is fixed. The workaround for the issue is to write a macro value e.g. $select '2008-01-01'.
Water Levels (Extra Fields) - New Additional Field Option: DT_WELL_SEGMENT [m136870]
DT_WELL_SEGMENT is added to the Additional Fields drop-down list of Water Levels (Extra Fields). The default value of SEGMENT_TYPE is SCREEN. The value can be modified over ST_CONFIG by populating a new SEGMENT_TYPE in STRING_VALUE of ST_CONFIG where CONFIG_SECTION=WL and CONFIG_KEY=SEGMENT_TYPE.
Report Publisher - Better Handling of New Parameters [m137053]
In EQuIS Professional, the Report Publisher Form has been updated to better handle publishing new versions of reports with new parameters. This update includes minor bug fixes where some parameter information was incorrectly persisting from the last loaded parameter in the existing parameter column as well as adding bold highlighting to the report and parameter listings in the Publisher Form to more easily discern when a new version of a report has new parameters.
Action Level Exceedance Report - Facility Group Code with Apostrophe Causes Error [m137180]
The Action Level Exceedance II reports gave an error when users had a single quote in their facility group code, and an action level assigned to that group. This has been fixed.
Location Form - Errors if LOC_PURPOSE Exceeds 20 Characters [m137431]
The purpose field on the Professional Location Form maps to DT_LOCATION.LOC_PURPOSE, which allows values with up to 50 characters. However, entering in greater than 20 characters into the Form field results in an error. This has been fixed.
Professional - RockWorks Version Selection [m137696]
In EQuIS for RockWorks, it is now possible to select the RockWorks version manually using the RockWorks Version Toolbar. This allows you to select from different installed versions of RockWorks on your machine to be used when exporting.
DQM - Catch "Name Too Long" before ERROR [m137969]
Previously, when an Event Name entered during the Save process was too long, the error message only stated "Failed to Save". Now, before the Save process begins:
- The length of the Event Name is evaluated;
- If it is too long, an error message explains the problem;
- The user is given a chance to re-enter the name;
- The input prompt includes the previous entry truncated to the proper length.
When the Global Parameter for default_event_name = 'SELECTION' in DQM Settings, DQM automatically suggests a truncated name.
The Report Publisher Form in EQuIS Professional, has been updated to better handle publishing new versions of reports with new parameters. This update includes minor bug fixes where some parameter information was incorrectly persisting from the last loaded parameter in the existing parameter column as well as adding bold highlighting to the report and parameter listings in the Publisher Form to more easily discern when a new version of a report has new parameters.
Water Levels Form - Not All Locations or Location Groups Listed [m138164]
The Water Levels Form excluded a location group from the selection menu if all members of the group had no facility association RT_GROUP_MEMBER.FACILITY_ID=NULL. Similarly, the form excluded a location group member from displaying if the location had RT_GROUP_MEMBER.FACILITY_ID=NULL. These issues have been fixed.
XY Charts - Excel Export - Error with Top Horizontal Axis [m138769]
XY Charts that plot the series on the top axis are now successfully exported to Excel.
Note: Charts with series on both the top and the bottom axes will not correctly export to Excel.
Action Level Exceedance II - Percent Variance: Issues when Missing Date/Matrix Data [m138773]
If a variance sample had no sample_date, the report could still use the associated result to calculate action_level. This issue occurred if no other sample/result with a sample_date was available from the Variance Number of Results within the selected historic date range (i.e., the Number of Results input equals or exceeds the total number of historic results). Another issue was that if all samples (EDD and variance samples) had no matrix_code, the report did not calculate action_level from Variance. These issues are fixed.
SampleTestResult II Form from AR II Report [m138959]
A new SampleTestResult Form (STR II) has been added to the Analytical Results II Report. The form is available on the report input screen and the report output grid via a new toolbar button. The form displays the dataset created from the same report parameters selected for the AR II Report.
The SampleTestResult II Form:
- displays columns from DT_SAMPLE, DT_TEST, and DT_RESULT in filterable grids;
- allows the user to move quickly and easily to the data of interest;
- allows users with adequate permission to edit data;
- displays the dataset created by using the same query parameters as the user selected when running the AR II Report in question; and
- opens directly from the AR II Report parameter screen or the AR II Report output data grid.
Vertical Profile - Enable for DT_SAMPLE/TEST/RESULT [m139033]
Improvements have been made to the Vertical Profile tool in EQuIS Professional that make it easier to use with data stored in DT_SAMPLE/DT_TEST/DT_RESULT.
1. The tool will automatically start in SAMPLE/TEST/RESULT mode if DT_BASIC_RESULT is empty for the current facility.
2. Locations will be sorted alphabetically and only be displayed if there is an associated non-null DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH.
3. Analytes will be sorted alphabetically and only be displayed if there is an associated non-null DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH.
4. Dates (which come from DT_TEST.ANALYSIS.DATE) will be sorted alphabetically and only be displayed if there is an associated non-null DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH.
ChemStat Report: Unit Selection Not Marked as Required by Default [m139072]
The Result/Unit parameter is marked as required.
ChemStat Report Breaks for Empty Minimum Start Depth or Maximum End Depth [m139074]
The ChemStat Report breaks with the error message "...incorrect..." if the value of the min_start_depth or max_end_depth parameter is not provided. The report is modified so that the results of the report are not filtered by DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH or DT_SAMPLE.END_DEPTH if the value of the min_start_depth or max_end_depth parameter is not provided.
XY-Charts - Values Out of Order [m139114]
The XY Chart tool in EQuIS Professional will now sort values more intelligently, based on the independent axis. For example, if you select X-Axis as REPORT_RESULT_VALUE and Y-Axis as START_DEPTH (i.e. a depth profile chart), the values will be sorted by START_DEPTH. Use the Advanced tab to invert the left axis to show increasing depth from top to bottom.
ChemStat Report - Require Unit Input and Fix Issues In Calculating Last Analyte [m139135]
When there was more than one analyte and the last analyte had one result, the last result or analyte of the Raw Data was missed in the Statistics worksheet and certain calculations of the analyte prior to the last were not correct.
Additionally, when the last analyte or single analyte had more than one result, the last row of the result was not used in calculating max or min.
These two issues have been fixed.
Professional Installer - Drop Backward Compatibility, Move Third Party Files from GAC to EQuIS [m139160]
The Professional install (*.msi) has been improved to install all necessary files into the .\EQuIS folder, rather than storing any in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Exceptions are the ReportViewer and SqlCLRTypes Microsoft dependencies.
Additionally, the Professional "Backward Compatibility" install option is no longer necessary and has been removed. Custom reports precompiled with an earlier version of Syncfusion will automatically run with the new EQuIS 7.
The Professional install is also available as an xcopy zip package.
EQuIS Professional Schema - Update to Include Flow Tables [m139236]
The standard EQuIS Schema (i.e. schema.xml/e) has been updated to include the Flow schema (i.e. schema.Flow.xml/e).
Professional -Views- Missing Unit Conversion Message Fails to Dismiss [m139241]
This fix resolved the problem of the Missing Unit Conversion Factor error message that would not exit, even when the Okay button was clicked. This situation occurred when a view, such as VT_WELL, was being loaded and it was unable to effect correct unit conversion in certain column(s).
Custom Dates of Additional Fields Cause Errors in WL II (previously Water Levels (Extra Fields)) [m139353]
When one or more custom date formats of ..._yyyy..., e.g. DT_WATER_LEVELS.MEASUREMENT_DATE_yyyy, of Additional Fields were selected, the "Water Levels (Extra Fields)" Report in version 6.6 generated an error message. This issue has been fixed in the Water Levels II Report (previously Water Levels (Extra Fields)).
Issue - &unit in Left Y Axis Title in Analytical Results Trend Plot [m139463]
When Layout2 was selected with &unit in the "Left Y Axis Title" parameter, the "Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series)" Report applied one unit to &unit even if the units of analytes are different, where &unit should be replaced with a unit corresponding to an analyte. Another issue was that the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." message occurred if unit conversion failures happened with the selected data due to the updating of the EQuIS unit conversion function in EQuIS v6.6 products. These issues have been resolved.
EQuIS Professional Compatibility with LogPlot8 [m139502]
Starting in EQuIS Professional Version 7.0.0, LogPlot Version 8 will be supported. When LogPlot 8 is installed on the same machine as EQuIS Professional, the option to launch using this version will be available. After launching, EQuIS Professional will export the data in the new format used by LogPlot 8.
Analytical Statistics (by Location): Incorrect Non-Detect Minimum for Certain Input [m139612]
When the Max or Min of the "Process multiple non-detect limits of an analyte at a location:" parameter was selected and there were multiple non-detects per analyte/location (e.g. 11 and 2), the three reports: Analytical Results - Statistics, Analytical Results II - Statistics, and Statistics: Analytical Statistics (by Location), did not always correctly process the maximum or minimum non-detect (e.g. they pick 11 as minimum or 2 as maximum). This issue is fixed.
Save or Load Parameters Into or From Excel [m139634]
When the "Send to Microsoft Excel" button is clicked to export the result of a report, the parameters of the report and their values are exported into the Parameters tab.
When the "Load selections from file" button is clicked, the "Input Parameters (*.xml)" drop-down button is used to select a xml file with saved parameters. A new "Input Parameters in Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)" selection has added to the "Input Parameters (*.xml)" drop-down button and can be selected to load the parameters used to generate the result of the Excel file.
A new report called Pump Rate has been created. It reports pump rate data from DT_PUMP_RATE under selected parameters, such as locations and a start_measure_date date range. etc. The pump rate-associated data, for example DT_WELL and VW_LOCATION, can also be selected for reporting.
Schema Update - Filtering Out Certain Updates [m140052]
The database upload form was allowing updates to be filtered out. Updates that had been filtered out were not applied. This has now been fixed.
Old Error Sticks after Selecting New Parameters [m140207]
After a unit conversion error occurred while running a grid report in Professional Version 6.6, it still existed even if correct parameters were selected and the report was rerun for an expected result. This issue has been fixed in Version 7.
R Project - Creating Form and Exporting Data [m140473]
A new form has been created for the R Project Interface in EQuIS Professional. This case handles the creation of the form as well as the exporting and importing of data.
ST_LOG.LOG_ID Change to IDENTITY and Rename [m140587]
The LOG_ID column on the ST_LOG table was changed to an auto-incrementing value rather than a EUID, and the column name was changed to ID.
Columns REPORT_INFO and USER_REPORT_INFO were added to two tables, ST_REPORT and ST_USER_REPORT, to store information (JSON objects) about reports.
Upgrade Codebase to Target .NET Framework v4.6 [m140771]
This release of EQuIS targets (and requires) .NET Framework v4.6 (or later).
Crosstab - Open Crosstab Configuration Form from Published Crosstab Report [m140891]
A feature which grants the ability to open a published crosstab in the Crosstab Configuration Form has been added.
Crosstab - Show Report Name from which Created [m140893]
In the EQuIS Professional Crosstab Configuration Form, the Available Columns caption has been changed to show the name of the report from which the crosstab is being generated.
Crosstab - Export to Excel - Separate Column/Row Header Styles [m140894]
When exporting a Crosstab report to Excel, a different style will be applied for each column header and each row header as follows:
The first column containing the row headers will have the style "RowHeader0". The second column of row headers will have the style "RowHeader1".
The first row containing column headers will have the style "ColumnHeader0". The second row of column headers will have the style "ColumnHeader1".
Existing templates will continue to be recognized. As before, if the style of the same name exists in a template used with the crosstab, that style will be applied to the corresponding range.
To ensure backwards compatibility, if the new ColumnHeader<index> or RowHeader<index> style does not exist in the template, but the style "RowHeader" or "ColumnHeader" does exist in the template, then the styling from either of these existing styles will be copied to the new iterated header styles.
Analytical Results II - End Date Issue [m140913]
In rare circumstances, the Analytical Results II report output contained data that exceeded the sample end date limitation. The report has been modified to ensure this behavior does not exist.
EIA: New Location Not Working after Published under SQL [m141636]
Previously when the EIA: New Locations report was published to the database, it did not function in SQL when the st_report_parameter.default_value = 1970-01-01 for the @last_date parameter. This behavior has been resolved.
In addition, the report has been modified as follows:
1) the default value of the @last_date parameter is the day before the earliest start_date of dt_location
2) the first execution of the EIA or user report generates an output of all the records within dt_location associated to the logged in facility.
Create RT_TAXONOMY_PARAMETER Table (and additional updates to RT_TAXONOMY) [m142003]
The Alive Schema now includes RT_TAXONOMY_PARAMETER and RT_TAXONOMY_PARAM_TYPE tables to enable storing parameters related to Alive Taxonomy. In addition, RT_TAXONOMY.TAXONOMY_CODE is increased from 20 to 40 characters, and .RANK allows larger numbers.
EQuIS-7 Professional Change Ribbon to Syncfusion Ribbon [m142034]
EQuIS Professional ribbon has been updated and reorganized to match license packages. The theme has been updated similar to Office 2016.
EQuIS Schema - Add ST_USAGE [m142297]
Added table ST_USAGE that will store information on use of EQuIS objects and processes (e.g. EDDs load and reports run). The ST_REPORT_USE table is being replaced by ST_USAGE (existing data in ST_REPORT_USE will be migrated into ST_USAGE). The ST_REPORT_USE table will be renamed Z__66_ST_REPORT_USE and will be replaced by a view (called ST_REPORT_USE) that is based on the ST_USAGE table.
Additional functionality for recording and returning usage information will be included in future releases of EQuIS.
Create Schema to Support Data Workflow [m142298]
The new equis.add_workflow stored procedure will add a WORKFLOW_STATUS column to the specified table, with associated triggers to verify that values in that column exist in RT_WORKFLOW_STATUS. In a future release, this functionality may be used to define custom workflows for your data.
RProject - Option to Add other Data Files [m142563]
A button has been added to the RProject Form toolbar which enables users to add .csv data files to the .R script export.
Professional - New BackStage View [m142592]
The EQuIS Professional application menu has been replaced with a new backstage view where connections are created, saved, and opened from '*.equis' files. See Case 122502 release note and related documentation.
The new backstage also provides access to the EQuIS About, Registration, and Options windows.
Stored Procedures - equis.find_euid and equis.add_euid_index [m142883]
A stored procedure has been added that will search tables (indexed tables first, then in order of descending number for rows) and return the row that contains the given EUID. The equis.add_euid_index stored procedure adds the EUID index to the input table, regardless of whether or not the EUID column is computed. If the EUID column is computed, the index is added on the underlying ***_ID column.
AR II - Control Format of REPORT_RESULT_TEXT and REPORT_RESULT_VALUE [m143004]
The parameters of "Result\Format Results\Format Code:" and "Result\Format Results\Custom (Overwrites Format Code if Format Code is also selected):" are added to Analytical Results II (ARII).
When users select one of these parameters, it will be applied to REPORT_RESULT_TEXT, REPORT_RESULT_VALUE and
REPORT_RESULT_LIMIT of the ARII output. If the parameter is not specified, the current significant figures will be used.
In addition to a default list of Format Code (e.g. 0.########, 0.0E-00 etc.), users can add more format codes in RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC with lookup_type='ARII_FORMAT' and lookup_code=any unique values (e.g. 001, 002 etc.). The "Result\Format Results\Custom" parameter is hidden by default, and can be made visible after ARII is published.
Chemstat Report Error Message - Input String Not in Correct Format [m143095]
When selecting data inputs that included non-detect results, the Chemstat report previously would display the following message in the 5th and 95th Percentile columns in the Excel output: "Input string is not in the correct format”. The warning has been replaced in the ChemStat Report with a more informative message: “Select the 'Check the box to process all data for RV2' parameter to consider non-detects".
Alive Schema Change to Set Standard Survey Fields as Required [m143119]
Added columns REQUIRED_SURVEY_FIELDS and REQUIRED_OBSERV_FIELDS to RT_SURVEY_TYPE to store a listing (pipe-separated) of the "standard" fields that will be required in the Alive format for that survey.
Adding RockWorks Fracture Data [m143406]
The EQuIS for RockWorks interface now allows users to export Fracture data.
Adding RockWorks Symbols Data [m143407]
The EQuIS for RockWorks interface now allows users to export Symbol data.
Add License Chooser Docked Panel to EQuIS Professional 7 [m143570]
The EQuIS Professional License Chooser now appears as a docked panel after a license caption or the current license on the status bar is selected.
Professional Icons - Update to New Standard EQuIS Icons [m143571]
Many icons in EQuIS Professional have been updated to match a standard set of icons used in EarthSoft products.
R Project - Add Direct Export of Data [m143605]
In EQuIS Professional, a button has been added to the report grid toolbar which allows users to export reports and data grids directly into RProject.
Misspelling in DT_EQUIPMENT_INVENTORY [m143618]
Fixed misspelled column name in the DT_EQUIPMENT_INVENTORY table, which was named AVALIABLE_QUANTITY. It has been changed to AVAILABLE_QUANTITY.
The following nullable fields have been added to the DT_CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY table:
Column Filter on Crosstab Available Column List [m144396]
In the EQuIS Professional Crosstab Configuration Form, a filter has been added to the report "Available Columns" list for easier lookup.
Professional - RProject Form - Import Data Grids From WorkSpace [m144684]
When loading the RProject form, any open data tables, reports, or crosstab reports in the workspace will automatically be loaded into the RScript text to be exported.
Professional RProject - Enable Export of Same Report With Different Parameters [m144685]
The naming convention in the RProject export will now use the same name displayed in the EQuIS workspace (excluding spaces). This will allow multiple instances of the same report, data table, etc. to be exported as separate data.
DQM - Improve Qualifier Merge Function [m144777]
The following changes were made to improve the qualifier merge function in DQM.
Note that these updates will apply to new events created from EQuIS Professional Version 7. We recommend completing any in-process version 6 events prior to the upgrade.
- Two letter qualifiers are now treated as a unit to eliminate reverse ordering of some two letter qualifiers.
- Duplicates related to combination qualifiers were eliminated by default.
- Merging may now be disabled by setting RT_QUALIFIER.DQM_CHECK_RANK = 99. This applies particularly to merging single and combined qualifiers (e.g. U and UJ). Multiple instances of single qualifiers are still not duplicated (e.g. for two different exceptions with qualifier = U, the merged qualifier = U).
- Case sensitivity when applying qualifier edits has been removed.
Professional -RProject Form- Crosstab Support [m144810]
Crosstab support has been added to RProject. A button to export Crosstab reports to RProject has been added to the Crosstab toolbar, and any open Crosstab reports will automatically be loaded into the RScript in the RProject Form.
DQM - Use Check Descriptions instead of Check Names in Event Summary [m144838]
The Event Summary in DQM forms and reports has been updated to display the more readable Check Description (from RT_DQM_CHECK.DQM_CHECK_DESCRIPTION) instead of the Check Name RT_DQM_CHECK.DQM_CHECK.
DQM - Merge and Apply Qualifiers for All Exceptions [m145006]
In earlier versions, when a Result had two or more Exceptions in DQM, only one of the qualifiers (based on Rank, if the qualifiers have a Rank value) was applied to the result. Now DQM merges the two or more qualifiers and applies the merged qualifiers to the result. The default merging process removes any duplicates, so no qualifiers are repeated in the applied qualifier.
DQM -RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS- Final Implementation of New Column Features [m145013]
The new RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS table was created to set control limits on the basis of ANALYTIC_METHOD and/or CAS_RN. The initial update, released previously, included the columns below that were not yet functional.
The following DQM Checks are now updated to use data from the columns above.
- Three Blank Contamination checks
- Relative Percent Difference (Field)
- Surrogate Recovery
EQuIS EnviroInsite - Boring Log Report [m145496]
The new EnviroInsite Boring Logs Report generates PDF boring log output based on a log design template file that describes content and format. The report requires installation of EnviroInsite. See help article for details.
Location Parameter Reports: Output loc_name from DT_LOCATION, Not VW_LOCATION [m145574]
The Location Parameters (Extra Fields) Report has been modified to report loc_name from DT_LOCATION rather than VW_LOCATION.
Professional Crosstab Publishing - No Consideration for Permission [m145961]
Publishing crosstab reports now requires Creator permission on the Reports Object Type (in addition to access permissions). Republishing a crosstab report requires a minimum of Editor permission on the report. The user who publishes a crosstab report will automatically be granted Owner permission on that report.
Professional - RProject - Export to Subfolders [m146000]
Exporting data from EQuIS to RProject will now group all exported data files in a new file folder each time the export is run.
Published Crosstab with GroupedBy Row Header Not Outputting Data to Excel when Run in Azure [m146331]
When a Crosstab that had GroupedBy Row Headers was run on an Azure Environment (such as a saved published Crosstab in Enterprise), the resulting exported output would not include any row data. This has been fixed.
Professional Ribbon - Updates for New Interface Requests [m146579]
The buttons for the unimplemented interfaces in EQuIS Professional have been updated to distinguish them from the available interfaces. When these buttons are clicked, they now redirect the user to the EarthSoft Community Center Discussion Forum.
Professional Backstage - Database Context Menu for Update, Properties, and Create [m146590]
A context menu has been added to EQuIS Professional. The context menu provides the options to update any available database and is accessed by right-clicking a database from the Connection tab. The option to create a new database has also been added to the context menu. A new EQuIS Database can be created within EQuIS Professional once connected, by right-clicking on any database or the white space in the database tree view.
DQM - RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS Surrogate Association Column [m146654]
In DQM Version 7.0 the SURR_ASSO_CAS_RN column in RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS can be used to associate different Surrogates to a particular list of analytes (most commonly used to associate acid or base surrogates in method SW8270 to separate lists of acid or base analytes). Each analyte must be listed in a separate row in the control limit table, once for each associated surrogate. Since this results in hundreds of rows in that table, we are using a single, unique DQM_QAPP_CODE = 'QAPP_SURR_ASSO_CAS_RN' for these rows so that they will not need to be repeated for every QAPP. In DQM v7.0, if the new Surrogate Recovery check parameter "asso_acid_base_yn" = 'Y' and the RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS table contain at least one QAPP_SURR_ASSO_CAS_RN record with SURR_ASSO_CAS_RN equal to the surrogate with a recovery outside of control limits, then only those CAS_RNs will be associated with the failing surrogate.
Professional gINT - Point Data Fails to Export [m146688]
When the Point tab in the EQuIS for gINT interface was selected, all rows were being filtered out by default and had to be selected manually. This error has been fixed so that all rows are not filtered, and are included by default.
Bulk Publish Reports [m146801]
The ability to publish multiple reports to different databases has been added in the EQuIS API that can be called from a PowerShell script. The script requirements and an example are included in the help article "Bulk or Batch Publishing".
DQM - Add Unique Key Column to RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS [m146917]
The Unique Key in RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS table has been modified to include column SURR_ASSO_CAS_RN.
VW_LOCATION - Add PARENT_LOC_CODE to View, Part of Nested Wells Functionality [m147178]
The PARENT_LOC_CODE field (in the DT_LOCATION table) has been added as an output column in the VW_LOCATION view.
Replace ST_ID with two sequences (data vs system) [m147215]
All EUID values in EQuIS v6 come from a single source (ST_ID). In EQuIS v7, EUID values now come from a sequence (dbo.sq_euid). There are two new sequences:
1. sq_euid: For EUID values (used in data tables and objects with permissions).
2. sq_sysid: For system ID values (e.g. values used in system workflow tables).
Convert ST_TASK smalldatetime Fields to datetime(2) [m147238]
In the ST_TASK table, the following fields have been changed from smalldatetime to datetime2(2):
Enhance Auditing (Performance, Functionality) [m147263]
Auditing functionality has been enhanced, including better performance, auditing per column and action (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE), and including the IP (v4) address of the user.
During database update, the existing XT_AUDIT table is renamed to Z__66_XT_AUDIT. If any audit data exists, it is migrated to the new XT_AUDIT table. Review Z__66_XT_AUDIT and XT_AUDIT. The VW_AUDIT view is also updated and may help with data review. If old audit data (in discontinued columns) are no longer needed, drop Z__66_XT_AUDIT. (Note: If no auditing data exists, Z__66_XT_AUDIT is dropped automatically.)
DQM - Surrogate Recovery Check Misses QC_DUP Data [m147296]
When the DQM Surrogate Recovery check was separated from the Spike Recovery check in v6.6, the code that looked to see if the sample was a DUP was lost in the transition. If the QC data for the DUP was stored in the QC_DUP_SPIKE_RECOVERY column, DQM was missing the data and returned an error. This has been fixed. If the SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE indicates that the sample is a duplicate, DQM first looks in QC_DUP_SPIKE_RECOVERY for data and, if none is found there, looks again in QC_SPIKE_RECOVERY before returning an error.
EnviroInsite - RT_WELL_SEGMENT_TYPE.IS_SCREEN_YN [m147305]
A field called IS_SCREEN_YN has been added to the RT_WELL_SEGMENT_TYPE table. This field may be used to indicate whether a particular segment type is a screen. This information will be used when EnviroInsite plots borehole diagrams.
After adding the field, the database update script will set the value to 'Y' for any SEGMENT_TYPE value that contains 'SCREEN' (without quotes).
Add OBJECT_EUID Index to Peripheral Tables [m147338]
The following tables contain records associated with various objects based on EUID values:
A nonclustered index was added for each of these tables/fields to improve performance of queries that use these tables to find records related to a given EUID.
Remove Default Constraint from DT_SURVEY_OBSERV.QUANTITY [m147983]
The DT_SURVEY_OBSERV.QUANTITY field had a default constraint that would default the value to 1 if it was not set.
This constraint has been removed (the value will be null if not otherwise set).
Unique Constraint on ST_REPORT.REPORT_NAME being Created in New Databases [m148120]
Certain versions of the EQuIS Database Schema included a unique constraint on ST_REPORT.REPORT_NAME when there should be none. This issue has been corrected.
Professional - Clear Workspace Button [m148306]
A button has been added to the EQuIS Professional Workspace Panel that allows users to clear the current Workspace.
Row Header Sorting Ignored if Unsorted Row Headers in Front [m148437]
If a Column Header or a Row Header in EQuIS Professional was set with a sort order, but was preceded by a Header without a specified sort order, it appeared that the specified sorting was ignored. This has been fixed so that the resulting Crosstab is now sorted first by all the Headers with the sort order specified in the Crosstab configuration, even if they are not all at the beginning of the Header list.
EQuIS 7 Professional EDGE and Enterprise Ribbon Buttons [m148466]
EDGE and Enterprise shortcuts have been added to the EQuIS Professional ribbon.
The EDGE button launches EDGE from a user-specified directory (which is retained after initial selection).
The Enterprise button opens the EQuIS Enterprise site of the current Professional connection (Server Name URL) in the default web browser.
New Decision Support Ribbon [m148868]
A new Decision Support tab has been added to the EQuIS Professional ribbon for EnviroInsite. Risk3T, LakeWatch, and Alive. Forms that require Decision Support licensing are accessed from the Decision Support ribbon, and are not available from the Open > Forms dialogue. To check out licenses for Decision Support tools, a Decision Support tab has been added to the license chooser.
DQM - Install Updates - Demo EDD (DQM_checks_v7.0.xlsx) [m148873]
When the DQM option is selected during the EQuIS 7 Professional installation process, the new DQM_checks_v7.0.xlsx file is included in the Formats\DQM folder as a demo EDD. This EDD now includes demo data in the SURR_ASSO_CAS_RN column in RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS.
Export to Outlook Version 2013+ - Option Missing/Fails [m148888]
We have Added support for exporting tables and grid reports to Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016.
DQM - Use Check Descriptions instead of Check Names in Create Event Drop-Down [m149463]
The list of Checks in the DQM Create Event Form is updated to display the more readable Check Description (from RT_DQM_CHECK.DQM_CHECK_DESCRIPTION) instead of the Check Name (RT_DQM_CHECK.DQM_CHECK). An error message now appears when RT_DQM_CHECK.DQM_CHECK_DESCRIPTION is missing/unpopulated, informing the user to populate RT_DQM_CHECK.DQM_CHECK_DESCRIPTION column for all checks.
EQuIS Professional - Decision Support Ribbon - EnviroInsite [m149610]
In EQuIS Professional, Decision Support licenses have been assigned colors that will appear in the status bar. When a Decision Support license is in use by the current user, a new graphic on the status bar will show each license that is in use. A tooltip has been added to the status bar that lists the Decision Support licenses that are in use.
Analytical Results II Report - Use Coordinates from DT_GEOGRAPHY [m149945]
A new report parameter, "Use DT_GEOGRAPHY for coordinate data", has been added to the Analytical Results II Report. When this parameter is selected, the report will look for POINT data in DT_GEOGRAPHY to fill the X_COORD, Y_COORD, LONGITUDE, and LATITUDE columns. If no data is found for a sample in DT_GEOGRAPHY, then the DT_COORDINATE data, if available, is used as in previous versions of the report.
Support Auditing on DT_GEOGRAPHY [m149962]
Auditing is now supported on the DT_GEOGRAPHY table (must be enabled using equis.add_audit stored procedure).
Misleading Error Pop Up in Facility Migration Wizard [m150073]
A change has been made in EQuIS Professional to provide clear information for using the migrate facility configuration settings. This message appears when there are errors migrating a facility.
Make DT_LOCATION.EUID a Required (Auto-Populated) Field [m150593]
The EUID column in the DT_LOCATION table is now a required column, and will be auto-populated by the database update process (e.g. schema.xml invokes equis.populate_euid for that table).
This change is necessary to support new and improved functionality in the EQuIS Version 7.0 release.
XY Charts - Improve UX for Other Types [m150710]
The XY Charts have been improved by changing the third-party software used to display the charts. The new software has numerous additional types of charts available that have not yet been implemented in EQuIS. The list of Chart Types will include the additional types with an asterisk to mark them as not yet implemented.
Analytical Results II - Optimized for Analyte and Location Group Queries [m151267]
The Analytical Results II Report has been updated to further optimize the underlying database query when a location group or an analyte group are selected as report parameters.
EQuIS 7 - Risk3T - Update UI [m151339]
The Risk3T module has been upgraded to mesh with the new EQuIS Professional 7 appearance.
Professional Decision Support - License Status [m151619]
In EQuIS Professional, Decision Support licenses have been assigned colors that will appear in the status bar. When a Decision Support license is in use by the current user, a new graphic on the status bar will show each license that is in use. A tooltip has been added to the status bar that lists the Decision Support licenses that are in use.
Action Level Exceedance II Report - Fix to Exclude Unmatched Results [m152071]
When the Action Level Exceedance II Report is run with multiple action levels selected, the output should exclude result rows that do not match an action level specification, unless the result fails to match all of the selected action levels.
In other words, given multiple action level input:
-- When results match action levels, include one row for each matched action level.
-- When results do not match any action level, include unmatched results (one row only for each, with no associated action level or exceedance).
-- When results match one or more action level, but not all action levels, exclude unmatched rows from the output.
Previously the output was dependent on the alphabetical order of the action levels. The report has been fixed to return the correct output for any combination of action level selections.
License Use Report - Fix to Support Separate License Database [m152373]
When an EQuIS Database is registered using a separate license database, the License Use Report still calculates license uses from the connected EQuIS Database, rather than the license database in the report of v6.6.0. Since license use is always saved in the license database and not in any of the associated databases, the report is modified so that it calculates license use from the license database when a license database is used. In addition, the report is improved for Enterprise reporting.
Software Registration Window - Update Click "Here" Link [m152734]
There is a new license registration page on EarthSoft.com. The EQuIS Professional Software Registration Form has been updated to link to the new page.
Professional Options - Autosave New Connections [m153637]
EQuIS Professional has an Autosave New Connections option that automatically saves new connections to a new .equis file. The option is on by default, and saves to the directory defined by an additional new option: EQuIS Professional Working Folders > Connection Location (default path is C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\EarthSoft\Connections\).
The Water Levels (Extra Fields) Report is optimized for improved performance, updated to support Extra Selects, and renamed to "Water Levels II". In addition, an issue with duplicate output from facility group connections is resolved.
Strong Name all EarthSoft.* Assemblies [m155952]
All EarthSoft assemblies (*.dll, *.exe) are now strong-named to enhance overall security of the application. If you have custom assemblies (e.g. reports, EDD formats, etc.), we encourage you to recompile those assemblies with a strong-name.
A field called SUID has been added to DT_GEOGRAPHY as well as a unique index on OBJECT_EUID and SUID. This allows applications (e.g. EQuIS Collect) to limit the number of geography rows for a given OBJECT_EUID (and to update existing rows).
SUID stands for "system use ID" and is a system-assigned integer representing a specific use/purpose for geography records.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 27 Mar 2020