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Live agents and widgets use an EQuIS Enterprise Premium license. This is a "network" license, which is stored in the ST_LICENSE table in the database. The license can be applied and/or reviewed using EQuIS Professional (see Applying Licenses).
Note: EQuIS Professional does not need to run on the same computer as the agent; it only needs to connect to the same database. |
In EQuIS Enterprise, users are "licensed" by adding to the license role in the User Manager or Role Manager widgets.
The following SQL statement (which can be executed using the EQuIS SQL Form or SQL Server Management Studio) will show all of the user reports (including those of Live agents), the users that created them, and that user's status and license roles; it may help to determine why a Live agent that is scheduled to run as an EIA does not run.
SELECT r.report_name , ur.name AS 'user report name' , ur.status_flag AS 'user report status_flag' , re.event_type AS 'report event_type' , u.user_name , u.status_flag AS 'user status_flag' , (SELECT CASE equis.auth(u.user_id, NULL, ur.user_report_id, -abs(2)) WHEN 0 THEN 'None' WHEN 1 THEN 'Owner' WHEN 2 THEN 'Editor' WHEN 4 THEN 'Viewer' END) AS 'user report permission' , (SELECT MAX(license_expires) FROM st_license_use lu WHERE lu.user_name = u.user_name AND lu.workstation = u.email_address AND lu.app_id IN (60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65) AND license_expires > GETUTCDATE() AND checksum IS NOT NULL) AS 'user enterprise license_expires' , (SELECT STRING_AGG(ro.role_name, ', ') FROM st_user_role uro LEFT JOIN st_role ro ON ro.role_id = uro.role_id WHERE uro.user_id = u.user_id) AS 'user role_names' FROM st_report_event re LEFT JOIN st_user_report ur ON ur.user_report_id = re.user_report_id LEFT JOIN st_report r ON r.report_id = ur.report_id LEFT JOIN st_user u ON u.user_id = ur.user_id ORDER BY r.report_name ASC;
A few of the more common problems include:
1.The user that created a user report is no longer active (i.e., ST_USER.STATUS_FLAG is not "A").
2.The user that created a user report is not licensed (e.g., the user's roles do not include EQuIS Enterprise Premium, or the user's Enterprise license is expired).
3.The ST_USER_REPORT.STATUS_FLAG is not "A", or the EVENT_TYPE starts with an exclamation point "!" (e.g., !schedule vs. schedule).
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 15 Jul 2021