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The standard EQuIS End User License Agreement (EULA) covers the EQuIS Database Modification Compliance Requirements (Section 11d). Different organizations may have different EULAs; consult the EQuIS administrator to confirm requirements. If unsure that a database change meets these requirements, contact EarthSoft Support.
The text of the standard EQuIS Database Modification Compliance Requirements is provided below.
Licensee will abide by these EQuIS Database Modification Compliance Requirements. Licensed users of EarthSoft's EQuIS family of data management systems are authorized to modify project database or database template structures. However, changes to core data structures or relationships ("core" refers to the default database structures distributed by EarthSoft) may result in unpredictable performance or the failure of EQuIS to function as expected. Adhering to the following rules is a requirement of the standard support specifications; these guidelines will help ensure EQuIS Database Compliance, proper functionality, and satisfactory performance:
i) Custom/client-specific database objects (tables, views, stored procedures, etc.) should not be added to the standard “equis” schema (within the database); instead, custom/client-specific database objects should be added to a custom/client-specific schema (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/create-a-database-schema?view=sql-server-2017).
ii) Custom/client-specific tables may be added to the databases.
iii) Custom/client-specific fields may be added to core tables; however, we strongly recommend that custom/client-specific fields be added to custom/client-specific tables simplify database maintenance and support.
iv) Custom/client-specific indexes may be added to core tables when appropriate (note that improper use of indexes may adversely affect performance).
v) Core table names may not be changed.
vi) Fields within core tables may not be changed (including field name, length, data type, and nullability).
Due to the in-place nature of the database update process, any custom objects (tables, fields, queries, etc.) added to project databases will persist. Rather than migrating data to a new structure during the update process, EQuIS uses T-SQL code to make in-place modifications to existing project databases. If a significant change in the standard EQuIS database structure prevents preservation of custom database objects, users will be notified and provided with guidelines on migrating custom objects to the new structure. Please note that in rare circumstances, certain customization of the data structure within these guidelines may affect the functionality of EQuIS. If this is determined to be the case, EarthSoft will handle this situation on a case-by-case basis and determine the best means of resolving any technical issues. For example, if a custom field is added to a table and EarthSoft subsequently adds a field of the same name to the core structure, database updates may not be successful. Please communicate requests for additional tables/fields and we will advise.
If any database modifications are made beyond what is explicitly stated as acceptable, EarthSoft will not be liable for any remediation, loss, or damage of any sort whatsoever; nor will EarthSoft be responsible for the proper function and operation of any EQuIS software connecting to these databases. Services required to correct or to customize for any non-conformity with the EQuIS Database Requirements are not covered by warranty nor are they included in the EQuIS Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) support specifications and will only be provided if requested and authorized by Licensee under an additional services agreement.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 10 Jan 2023